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And so...  that's...  that?  I dunno, Annony- your idea just seemed to have a ring of finality to it.  Is it over?  She goes home, has a shower...  waits for her friends to get home also, similarly stripped, having had hijinks and misadventures of their own?

Obviously they'd share their stories - one being harassed by a goat, the other unfortunate enough to run afoul of some wedgie- mad delinquent housewives...?

Yep, it might be time for a new one now.




Oh no she sacrified her favorite underwear 😱 Well, I won't lie, I was really hoping for some goat action, in my opinion the artist has just censored himself by not adding any goat to this story, it could have been 10 times better! I hope the next one will have goat(s) involved in it 🐐 😍


Do we vote on a new story? Because if so I want it in my train station


Actually I have an idea I'm going to focus on the for next one but I'll certainly take that into consideration...


What's the saying? 'Every ending is a new beginning'. I think it might have been a goat that said that...?