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(Well, it's actually the very beginnings of Saturday morning now, but eh, who cares)

The good news is my computer got fixed up and is all good now (whew!) and so I've been able to finish the image in colour, glorious colour.

As per last Friday's vote, here she is...  the police lady!  Of course, if one loses their uniform and is overcome by powerful sexual stimulation, taking priority above all else...  are they still a police lady...??  😮




Awww! What a cutie!!! 😍😍😍


😁 I was going to do private Anderson, because she has many jobs. But I liked the way she came out in the second panel and so didn't want to change it


Polka-dots are a cute choice for that police lady, but it looks like she's got something new to investigate as her panties drop.