Friday Vote!
- Lilly! 2
- Ally and Nina! 4
- Zeeb! 1
- Hill, Cass and Sally! 2
- A government ad, cautioning ladies on the dangers of masturbating at work! 3
(Sorry, a bit late… I almost forgot!)
Oh no, Lilly’s attempts to regain her possessed panties have been thwarted! What will she do now…?!? (Maybe it’s not a ghost at all and it turns out Zeeb is behind everything!)
What will happen to Lilly now? And seriously… we haven’t checked on Ally and Nina in a while… anything could be happening to them! And that Zeeb…
Beyond all that… what about Hill, Cass and Sally? Naked as they are, who knows where they’ve wound up, or what spooky happenings may be occurring…
I think we’re not spoilt for choice, here… where to focus on for next week???