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As you've probably heard, I've cancelled tonight's show in San Diego for health reasons. I'm sorry if you had tickets and were looking forward to the show, you will be refunded soon. The illness my crew and I have been battling since arriving on the west coast has finally gotten on top of me enough where I'm running a fever and simply cannot perform. This tour has been too dense, I've had no time to rest, and doing a two-hour show that involves so much physicality every night is not how you recover from sickness. I won't be touring so hard ever again, it's just not healthy and it's just not sustainable. Based on the trajectory of my crewmates' illnesses, I should be well enough to perform in Tucson for the most attended show of my career thus far, but there's a chance I might have to skip the meet & greet. I'll let you know if that ends up being the case. If you don't hear from me on that, all is going according to the original plan.

Last night about halfway through the show the fever started to kick in, and by the time the show was over I was aching all over and it was an emergency to get to bed. I knew fairly quickly that I was going to need to cancel the next night's show, but if I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, I would've known it even if I hadn't been too physically unwell to do it. Even if my throat wasn't on fire, my head wasn't too full of snot to breathe, and my body wasn't screaming with aches and chills - San Diego was going to have to be cancelled. The health I'm looking out for is mental as well.

If you were at last night's show in Anaheim, I hope you still were able to have a nice time despite well, yknow. I won't go into detail, there are too many details, and I don't want to be going on and on talking about every incident. Last night was all incidents, there was hardly a moment of non-incident, so nothing in particular is worth getting into. I can't even tell you a complete list of examples because it was so constant and varied in nature and they were so on top of each other that I couldn't even tell what was happening or what they were saying for much of it, I just know it was insulting, distracting, and disrespectful to their fellow fans. I am SO sorry to everyone whose experience was ruined by the person next to them last night. I hope you were still able to enjoy it; the show was for you, not them.

By the time it was clear that I was not going to be able to power through and do my show though, I was too far into the story to just abandon ship, run a backup setlist and call it early without disappointing everyone and it being super weird. Next time that's what I'll do though, even if it's awkward. I'm not going to push myself through illness to do two hours of physically involved standup and belting over piano if the show isn't being wrecked, I'll just play for an hour and twenty and go home.

And look, that's hardly a fate worse than death for me, but it's comparatively boring for both me and my audience, this is the most work I've ever put into a set, and audiences who have gotten to actually see it have made it clear they feel it's the best application of my skill set I've managed, so I hope I get to perform it for real tomorrow night.

If you are coming to a future show, please be respectful of your fellow audience members. There were too many to kick out last night, it was at least a few dozen people, but as the announcement before the show says, venue staff and my crew do kick people out for disruptive behavior. If a member of your group starts behaving badly, please help the rest of us by giving them a nudge. If you can't bring yourself to behave respectfully, please do not attend.

To be perfectly honest, I would much rather not perform at all than perform for audiences like that, so I'm really hoping this sort of thing doesn't continue, because if it does I just don't have all that much interest in touring.

I'm going to rest up so that hopefully I'm not too feverish and congested to perform decently tomorrow.

Maybe I'll check back in when the tour is over. Take care guys.



p.s. random aside - its weird to have a joke kill and then have audience members cheering saying things that show they thought I was making the opposite point. Like what the heck bro how did the joke even make you laugh when you didn't get it? bonkers lol


Alex Touzet

heard about the issues with the show and it sounded like a nightmare. hope the rest go better than that and i hope that some rest serves you and your crew well! ❤️


jesus, dude, I can’t believe you’re having to deal with so much of this bullshit. rest up, breathe steady, let yourself recover. I’m so sorry there are so many assholes who don’t know how to behave — you don’t deserve any of it.


Dude, we understand entirely. Despite your thoughts, your health always comes first and is the most important. The last thing we want is for you to be miserable. So please, go home, have some tea, and rest. We love ya in the least parasocial way possible! 💖

Kristen Sutcliff

I hope you get some well needed rest tonight ! Thank you for giving your all despite everything!


i feel terrible for you man. you've been hit with so many highs and lows and it's incredibly unfair, especially after all the time you've put into this tour. i hope the best outcome manifests itself for you and your crew, whatever that may be. we love you. take care, will.


its good that you're focusing on your health and taking the time to rest, hope all works out will


feel better big guy 🫡

claire costello

i’m so sorry you’re dealing with all this. i hope you all recover quickly, please take care of yourselves (physically and emotionally) and do what’s best for you going forward. 🖤


its really hard for me to even imagine a show with THAT disrespectful of an audience. ive been to a fair number of concerts and ive never seen anything like what youve alluded to in these diaries. i dunno what the heck about your stuff attracts these kinds of people. maybe the tiktokification of the normal album ushered in a bunch of, to quote madam wednesday, normies. you should start doing a pre-show screening of the audience and only allow in people who can quote either ratatoing or that one monologue that otho does about mauve

Aaliyah McElroy

Good luck Mr. Wood, it's a shame you can't enact vigilante justice on stage against your soon-to-be no-fly-list audience members. At the Sacramento show, some of the other VIP members and I were discussing how we literally could not figure out, math-wise, how you had enough time in the day during this tour to do everything you have been doing. You are, objectively at this point, doing The Most, and it certainly speaks well to your ability to push through and work hard, but you don't have to prove it next time!! Just worry about you and your team, I hope you feel better soon.


it's such a shame that the fan base is like this, it's such a basic respect think. i hope you all feel better & best of luck in future shows! 🫶


I am so sorry that happened. I am so sorry that people can’t seem to act like decent human beings sometimes. You deserve better. Really hope you feel better soon, physically and emotionally. You’re giving so much of yourself for your fans and those of us who genuinely appreciate your efforts and talents FAR outnumber the other (expletive of choice)s.

Wendy Bullinger

Always do what is best for you guys. I don't understand what the point of heckling is. Please take good care and do for you, not us. ❣️❤️💐

Ella Warnke

Hopefully if/when you tour again you will be able to schedule in some more breaks for yourself. At this rate it seems like you’re going to have to study some of the tips made for teachers to control their classroom😂 (really though these people need to grow up)💛


I promise it's definitely not the normies lmao, based on what I've seen I think it's the people who can quote ratatoing haha!


I’m truly sorry for the behavior of those people in the audience last night—it was embarrassing and incredibly disrespectful to say the least. you took that shit in stride though. I know I and many others had a blast despite the loud commentary and the hecklers who seemed to think they had a better punchline :/ hopefully you and your crew are able to rest up and feel better soon!! <3


to fix any future crowd problems, i think you should sic that bipedal, vice-squished danny devito of a cat from the human restaurant onto people. just as a friendly reminder to use their inside voices!

Oh. Hey Hi Hello

I’m sorry to hear that happened, hopping to see you in Tucson but we’ll understand if you can’t


My punchlines must really stink for people to think that "yippee!" in the middle of the setup is better!


genuinely had no idea how sick you were during the performance last night, thank you for giving such an enthralling experience despite that. being around those audience members severely decreased my lifespan.


I was there and it was a lot. I had a great time despite the mishegoss. As you’ve mentioned here and per your answer during the Q&A, it was a tremendous and wonderful interweaving of your skill set and you should be proud. I think playing smaller/lesser known venues would be best for your style and ability to “drive the car”. This would most certainly weed out the overbearing and obnoxious riff raff. We would all hate for you to stop touring due to the dumbfuckery of ignorant and out of touch douche nozzles. The show was incredible and I’m so glad I was able to experience it unfold live. And!! You did it all whilst suffering such ailments. So, rest well, rehydrate, and may you end with a tour you are proud of. Much love from us all ❤️

The Green Kasey

Feel better soon! Thanks for even doing these tour diaries—thanks for even touring! If you do end up touring again, I really hope it’s a better experience for you. If it means anything, I can honestly say your show was the best concert experience I’ve ever had, and I’ve been to a *lot* of concerts. I just kept asking myself, “how the hell does he do it?” Anyways. Your real fans appreciate your art and I hope the people who act up at your shows don’t represent us. Whatever you do moving forward, even if that means not necessarily touring, we’ll just be glad you’re doing what you love to do. I hope this tour hasn’t taken away from that at all.


For every lame audience member, there's got to be a dozen or more people inspired to live a better life because of your creations. What goes down must come up!... or something like that


Feeling really grateful I got to see you and everyone happily perform for a good audience (shout out to the House of Independents)! Though there's no way to guarantee the assholes cant get in, i cant help but fantasize a big buff dude grabbing the hecklers by the scruff and tossing them out the door and on their ass. Take it easy and i hope you recover quickly 🫶 don't let those fools keep you down or keep you in an uncomfortable situation- you don't owe them anything

Katherine Rose Turbes

I hope you and your crew feel better soon, and good job prioritizing your health- I hope y’all get well ASAP and can get some good rest !!! 💖💖💖


holy shit those people were pissing me off. how desperate for attention do you have to be to talk over an artist who you paid to see during their set?? and that’s not even accounting for the fact that they were disrupting the experience of everyone else in the room…


i desperately wish I knew what you were talking about because what the fuck 😭 human restaurant as opposed to a REGULAR RESTAURANT???? realizing i am a normie


feel better soon, will!! I bought tickets to Anaheim but had to sell them because something came up. I hope the person I sold them to wasn’t an asshole. The amount of disposable income these people must have to spend at least 50 dollars so they can make their own experience worse, not to mention ruining everyone else’s. Get rest and I’m sorry California has been so shit we don’t claim them!

Dr. Jiynxd

The show in Anaheim last night was phenomenal, sorry to you for the people that are disrespectful , there are always a few. I am so grateful to you for performing it meant more than you know. Your fantastic voice, artistic talent and just overall being relatable to many people probably more than you realize and a few you might not want 😒🥹. My daughter has wanted to see you for the past 4 years worrying that people would chase you away with their craziness before she could see you live. I can't tell you how grateful I am that I could take my daughter to your show , she saw your you tube announcing 18+ show literally the morning after she got out of the hospital and we were able to get the tickets. This truly helped her get through a hard life changing event/diagnosis, Your show was awesome ( I was wondering how you managed those fantastic vocals with your throat hurting), so for those of us who respect your talent, privacy, mental and physical health we all appreciate you, and will continue to support you in all your endeavors. You and your crew are truly amazing stay safe and healthy🥰


Audiences these days, yikes. I work for an orchestra and we’ve even had people booing in a show. I don’t know if it’s the pandemic or social media or what but some people truly can’t act like they’re not the only person in the room. I hope you and your crew feel better and the rest of the tour goes well. 🖤


same! I feel like my VIP experience on friday wasn't the best it could be since Will was late and sick and tired and my voice was messed up. it was still fun but if I never get a chance to do that again under better circumstances all because of some assholes I will scream


really sucks that you have to deal with all this crap on top of being sick. wishing your body and mind a speedy recovery! and just remember that for every asshole in the crowd there's hundreds more people out there who genuinely love and respect you and what you do. rest up Will, and here's hoping future shows are less problematic <3

Xaviette Katzenfrau

So next tour (assuming there will be a next tour, never jump to conclusions) you'll be taking way more days to rest between shows presumably? It's been sad seeing your mental and physical health decline with each diary entry haha. Take care of yourself <3

Gabriel P.

I'm curious if the heckling is the same when there's a full band on the stage. We were lucky enough to see the LA show on Friday, and aside from a couple of assholes recording it seemed to be a pretty respectful crowd. But the reaction some had to you standing alone on the stage, telling your story, suggested they felt it was more like a conversation rather than a performance, if that makes sense. Not that it excuses the behavior in any way.

jenni from the block

i am so glad that you are taking the time to rest. i am at a real loss re: your struggles with the audiences. i’m just so confused and disgusted by the behavior. i guess what i can say is how much i respect & admire you and your work. even without the full branson in sacramento, your performance has really stayed with me. i think about coming to terms with disorder all of the time now. it was such a privilege to see you perform but it is much more of a privilege to support you & your art regardless of what you choose to do moving forward. be well.

Rusted Sunday

Hope you feel better soon and the rest of the tour goes smoothly for you 🎼


When there's a band, heckling doesn't matter, I can't even hear it cuz I've got in-ear monitors. When solo it makes a difference, my solo shows aren't just songs and even if they were it's just one instrument and I can hear everything. I do think some audience members do not realize I am performing a script and genuinely believe it's just a conversation.

chris !

was at the Anaheim show and issues aside it was a wonderful time. you put on one hell of a show sickness be damned. sending lots of love to you and your team! <3


This is so sad and yet fascinating to me. What happened to concert etiquette? I’m genuinely curious about what all might have contributed to this crazy shift in respect for performing artists.

riley s

Truly hope you feel better soon!! I saw the show on Friday in LA and was blown away. The amount of effort the concert seems to be to perform does look quite taxing, especially if you're already sick, and I'm sure we're all hoping you get to a point where you're healthy enough to do it soon <3


oh that explains why the concerts went so smooth.. maybe you need an "applause" sign that lights up when you press the remote 💀 haha

Raina Saha

This might be something you’ve already considered or something you know won’t work at all, but do you think a prerecorded message before the show saying the basic no photography, yelling, or talking would work? It sounds silly, but I’ve seen it work in my classrooms. A simple no cheating and a listed consequence did a lot to quell and scare low-effort cheaters. I think it works as a kick in the butt to them to let them know that this is bad behavior and will not be tolerated. I might be just talking out of my ass right now as I don’t know anything about performing live music, so I apologize if that’s the case.


I think they do that already, it doesn't seem to be working

Raina Saha

Perhaps I was at the merch table when that happened. I was at the show in Atlanta and there wasn’t as much jeering there. Absolutely wild that this happens, I’ve been to a lot of concerts and I’ve never had to deal with disrespectful crowds before (at least at this level).


They may be a certain age but they're clearly not 'adults' grrrrrrrrr


I joined your patreon to support your music, writing and obviously the pinnacle of the creative arts (LITWTC). I didn't expect to see the warts and all impact this has on you, and I'm half afraid of my losing my faith in humanity because of the so called fans whose behaviour you describe. Hope you feel better soon, and the message finally get through to the participants of such abhorrent behaviour.

SoNo Mount

Taking care of yourself is important! Hope you start feeling better and can get some good Rest and Relaxation.


aw man what the hell this is so sad... people need to have more self awareness. it must be hell and absolute torture to force yourself to put up with this so often. sending love and laughter your way, all the best for upcoming shows.

Ayla Marion

I just saw your show tonight in Dallas. It was amazing and it was fantastic to meet you. I’m so glad. In 2022 I was really convinced you weren’t gonna tour again. Or was it 2023? I don’t know so I guess I’m a fake fan LOL Growing up I went to Branson Missouri, so it was really interesting hearing your take on it. The part about fudge is really true. I love fudge because of Branson… Hope the rest of the tour goes well for you and you stay healthy. Idek if you read these comments! But I’m throwing it into the void either way!

Wilson Laurence

I attended both Sacramento and Petaluma (mainly to support the venue in Petaluma as I’m from that area) and the fact people have been so utterly both parasocial and overall completely rude leaves me so utterly disappointed in theater etiquette. I’m sorry people can’t seem to show you basic respect for a show that’s very personal and impactful to you. Your show in Sacramento made me both laugh and cry in a very good way, and probably a show I’ll remember for the rest of my life. I hope you’re able to take care of yourself soon, because I cannot imagine how exhausting it must be. Reading these blog posts about the inner mechanisms of dealing with both fame and touring have been worded very well, even when discussing the ugly parts. You’re real with a lot of your messages and I think that’s something to be proud of. I’m happy to support your work and I really hope you’re able to take care of yourself and I hope these rude assholes dont take too much of your enjoyment away <3 sending love from the Bay Area