Character Sheet: Felpip (Patreon)
Name: Felpip
Age: 209
Race: Forest Gnome
Blood Ty: O
Size: Small (2’11”)
Alignment: Lawfully good
Felpip was a private investigator for most of his life. It was a difficult job that has made him cynical and exhausted with the simple patterns of crime. He has only one true desire, to bring the guilty to their knees so he may look them in the eye and condemn them. It’s a game really, the world is the board and he sees and predicts the moves of his enemies, hoping someone would be good enough to impress him.
Character Building Blocks
Race: Gnome (Player’s Handbook)
Ability Score Increase: Your Int score increases by 2. Sub-race: +1 Dex
Size: You’re a gnome, you be small
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision : See 60ft.
Gnome Cunning. You know magic and it’s fuckery. Have advantage on all Int, Wis, and Char saving throws against magic.
Natural Illusionist. You have Minor Illusion as a cantrip. Int as your spellcasting ability
Speak with Small Beasts. Talk to small animals to get simple tasks done. Pet owners rejoice.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and gnome.
Rogue: Inquisitive Archetype (Xanathar’s guild)
Starting Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Investigation, Perception, Slight of hand
Expertise Lv1: Insight, Investigation
Expertise Lv6: Perception
Focus Wis/Int and then Dex.
Felpip is a classic investigator trope character, which is good because the better he is with insight, perception, and investigation the more often he can get his sneak attack off. He’s not meant to be on the front line, but he knows how to get everyone there. Get your insightful Fighting skill off and start firing from range to do stupid amount of damage with bows, cross bows, or darts. Take advantage of your minor illusion cantrip to distract enemies while you get your set up.
Example stats:
Str/ 9 Dex/14(+1) Con/10 Int/14 (+2) Wis/16 Char/10
Background: Spy (Player’s hand book/Criminal variant )
Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: One game set of your choosing, and thieves’ tools
Equipment: A crowbar, a pipe, parchment and ink, common clothes, and 15GP
Feat: Criminal Contact
Felpip has dived into the deepest parts of the criminal underworld. Everyone has a price and he can use this to get info of the local area and deliver info as well.
Get yourself a set up for ranged sneak attacks. Take a Burglar’s Pack ( Consult Player’s Handbook for more info)
Recommended Spells
You have no magic other than Minor Illusion
Level Guild up to 6 Most of these abilities can be found on Wikipedia But please considering buying the books/pdfs for legal reasons.
Expertise, Sneak attack, Thieves’ Cant
Cunning Action
Inquisitive Archetype (Obviously)
Ear for Deceit – Insight for lies (2-7 are actually an 8)
Eye for Detail – Perception for hidden stuff or creatures and Investigation to uncover or decipher clues as bonus action (you’re good at finding invisible things)
Insightful Fighting (the good shit) – Insight vs Deception; Win and get every attack with Sneak attack for 1 min or till you find new target.
Ability score Improvement: Plus 2 to Dex. (Dex is OP. Let’s be real)
+1 in Int and Wis
Take Observant Feat (Do a good job at finding what’s up ahead)
Uncanny Dodge
Expertise: Perception