Character Sheet: Jag (Patreon)
Name: Jag
Age: 36
Race: Goblin
Blood Ty: B
Size: Small (3’2”)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Jag was once a wizard for one of the small villages that harbor around the capital of his home country. He used his Illusionary prowess to hide the village, but often had a habit of not taking his job serious while he pulled pranks.
One day a war mongering nation attacked and in a single day he lost everything. He managed to see who lead the charge and remembered his face and name so that one day he could get revenge. Death would be too good, so Jag aims to ruin him.
Character Building Blocks
Race: Goblin (Volo’s Monster Race)
Ability Score Increase: Your Dex increase by 2 and Con by 1
Size: Small.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision : Can see 60ft in the dark.
Fury of the Small : When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature is bigger than you, deal extra damage equal to your level, once per long rest.
Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.
Class: Illusion Wizard (D&D Player’s Handbook)
Starting Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight
Focus Int and then Char.
Jag is an Illusion Wizard and there for needs to be smart enough to come up with spells and charming enough to fool them. Illusion magic is about utility, not combat. So take that in mind as you make hiding spots to hide your team and imaginary pit falls to slow the enemy down. He is only as strong as your imagination when it comes to utilizing his skills. With the actor feat and disguise self, you can basically be anyone when you learn Enlarge Reduce.
Example stats:
Str/ 9 Dex/13(+2) Con/13(+1) Int/16 Wis/10 Char/14
Background: Charlatan (Player’s Handbook)
Proficiencies: Deception and Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Forgery Kit, and Disguise Kit
Equipment: A Disguise Kit, a forgery kit, a set of common clothes with a hood, and 10GP
Feat: Schemes
You have many identities, you can swap out and use them to do shit with no direct consequences to your true identity…. So long as you don’t get caught catfishing.
Focus on getting a Component Pouch and a Scholar’s Pack ( Consult Player’s Handbook for more info)
Keep a hold of your spell book and have fun. Talk your way out of fights as MUCH AS POSSIBLE…
Recommended Spells
Any Illusion spell or Any spell that has social interaction
Color Spray
Mirror Image
Disguise Self
Ray of frost
Arcanist’s Magic Aura
Hideous Laughter
Consult Player’s handbook and Xanathar's Guild for spell information
Level Guild up to 6 Most of these abilities can be found on Wikipedia But please considering buying the books/pdfs for legal reasons.
Ritual Casting
Arcane Recovery
Illusion Savant- faster at copying Illusion spells
Improved Minor Illusion- Learn Minor Illusion as a cantrip for free (if you didn’t already) Do both sound and image.
--- (focus on finding spells for your book)
Actor Feat: +1 Char and copy the voice of anyone you’ve talked to (Insight vs Deception)
-----(focus on finding spells for your book)
Malleable Illusions – You can change the illusion mid duration.