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Oath of amelioration

Tenets of Amelioration

Discipline: Be it diet or routine, you will train your body to be the best

Willpower: Push yourself past your limits and go beyond. 

Strength: You will be strong. Not just in body, but by your very soul you will be indomitable.

Humility: Know your limits, so that one day you will overcome them. As strong as you are, you can’t do it all alone.

Inspire: Be the beacon of hope for others to follow through your actions

3rd Level


When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Address the Challenge: As an action, you target one creature you can see. You channel your will of improving yourself and focus entirely on overcoming your latest challenge. So long as you only attack this single target, the first weapon attack that lands on your turn gains 1d4 force damage. Every time this ability is activated, you gain advantage on all physical saving throws proked by your target. If you do not attempt to attack this target for more than 1 round of combat, the effects end.

Triathlon : For 8 hours, your body is imbued with your willpower to go beyond your physical limits. You’ve trained yourself to handle grueling tests of endurance and today you will prove it. Pick one of the following:

You can push, drag and lift twice your normal limits. 

Your carrying capacity is doubled. 

Any weapon you hold that has the heavy trait can be treated as if it's light. 

Your traveling speed is doubled.

Your Swimming, climbing, and crawling speed can equal your running speed.

Both Long and high jump distances are doubled.

You gain advantage on any athletic or acrobatics saves. 

During combat these bonuses are temporarily removed, but you may use a bonus action to refocus them for 10 rounds. After combat has finished the abilities continue for the duration of it’s normal 8 hours. 

You may choose to activate additional abilities at once at levels 9, 13, and 17.

7th Level

Aura of Inspiration

When you use your channel divinity to use Address the Challenge or Triathlon all friendly creatures within 10 feet at that moment gain the benefits that you would. The same rules apply to your allies for either ability as if they chose your target or your bonuses. 

At level 18 the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

15th Level

Flawless Physique

At 15th level, you have molded your body into the pinnacle physical form. You no longer require armor to protect yourself and have a natural armor of 18. As a reaction, you may add your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution modifier to your AC. You must be aware that you are being attacked to use this reaction for all attacks 1 creature makes towards you.. 

20th Level 

Limit Breaker   

Upon reaching this level, pick either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. You’ve trained your whole life to achieve this level and for one minute there is no limit you can’t surpass. As an Action, when activating this ability you are allowed to auto succeed any check of your chosen ability. Address the Challenge’s damage is increased to 2d12, and Triathlon’s duration is extended to 24 hours.

In addition, you are no longer affected by the first 5 levels of exhaustion. 


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