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Due to Golborne's accelerated growth, Ve've moved him to outside in ze clearing. Covering ze workspace with a tarp for privacy. After hoisting ze subject into place, it vas discovered that his growth has reached a cap and his body has been discharging the excess hormones. It vould appear that ze serum has been retaining moisture and "fermenting" to reproduce inside ze subject. After redoing some tests, it vas made clear that ze subject will begin shrinking back to normal size... eventually. Ze serum must first vork its way out of his system, so to speak. Apart from loose skin, some of the growth in muscle, fat, and mass will most likely remain. Not as extreme as now, but noticeable. 


Ze Growth Serum is Zelf Reproducing while injected. 

Growth is temporary, with only slight lasting effects. Vill look into more permanent results.

Subject is healthy, safe, and has produced 60.721 Litters of "Growth Supplement"

Vill be looking to experiment on new subjects to zee if similar results vill be found. 




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