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As the last student leaves, Miss Yomako lingers by the chalkboard, her poised demeanor melting into a sultry gaze that invites you into an intimate after-class tutor session~

*sips tea* Ahh.. a classic w/ a twist ! Never would I have expected to see Yomako here but here I stand corrected ! Had a subtle blend w/ her OG outfit & hair which made out to be quite a nice touch in the end. Colors scheme also came out in full force w/ this one 👀

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed ! 📝
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Now THIS is a class I’d always stay and attend for the extra curricular activities 😏😈. Ms.Yoko looks like she’s incredibly well versed in teaching new students throughly and repeatedly 😉🍑🍑


She’s VERY hands on when it comes to her speciality class 😉😈 she likes to get real up close and personal 🍑😩

AE Emblemer

Only the most determined and talented students can get a high score in her class in that case better start paying close attention and also go to her after class lessons for the best grade😏😏😏


Only the students who listened closest and remembered all of her thinly veiled mentions of her weakest spots manage to receive top marks. On top of incredible climax after climax 😈😈🍑

Elijah Asbury

🤩Now I’d TOTALLY let her teach me A few Lessons, Awesome Job Miyu😉👍🔥🔥🔥🔥.