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And here we are! :)

This is part 1 post of updates towards BoofVR, mainly notes and what's to come. I also quickly want to thank you all for your feedback from the last build, and your patience with the upload/download issues. We've taken notes of your feedback, especially on some bugs with moving characters, FPS limiting, and seeking solutions for Oculus Quest 2 users!

For this month, we do not have a new build to share - instead, we've been focusing on making the NPCs come to life as more interactable characters for the player. As of right now, we’re currently testing and implementing the UI with the upcoming features first rather than supporting all of the features fully. We’ll start on Werethrope, but the other NPCs will follow suit. I hope you all look forward to these new developments!


Next Phase Plans

1. NPC-Player Idle

  • NPCs will interact with the player when they’re nearby, turning to look at the player, emoting at them, looking at the player when they’re in range, etc.
  • NPCs will have idle animations when they’re standing around, and will also walk around on their own.

2. NPC-Player Social Interaction

  • NPC Emotes with sound.
  • Dialogue will be implemented, with text boxes and NPC sounds and lip-syncing as text appears (They will also do different emotes and expressions depending on the topic of the conversation).
  • The player can initiate conversations with NPCs.
  • NPCs will move toward the player if NPC and player see each other (dialogue will happen automatically here).
  • The player will have branching dialogue options depending on the scenario.
  • NPCs will notice the player interacting with the environment and emote accordingly (i.e they’ll notice the player knocking over an object and will be upset with the player).
  • NPCs will have a thought cloud over their heads and an animation to go along with it if they have a request for the player.

3. Lewd Interactions

  • NPCs will have more dynamic arousal levels (changing their breathing patterns depending on how pent up/out of breath they are).
  • NPCs will have soft to hard animations.
  • NPCs will have idle animations for when they are hard, about to cum, and climaxing.
  • Animations, VFX, and Audio cues for climaxes will be implemented.

4. Relationship System (UI style above is subject to change)

  • The player’s relationship with the player will be indicated with Hearts!
  • Player interactions with NPCs can increase or decrease hearts.
  • VFX and audio cues will be implemented for when hearts are gained or broken.
  • Certain dialogue options and actions that the player can do will be locked until the player reaches the appropriate number of hearts with the NPC.
  • The player can note NPCs’ likes and dislikes through their menu.
  • Certain sexual interactions will make NPCs happy/upset depending on the level of hearts gained with the NPC.


To reiterate we’re implementing the UI of these features first and then the full support of them with animations, VFX, and audio later. As always thank you guys for your patience and support!

Part 2 post will be up shortly, and it will be focusing on new art and WIP animations being made as part of the focus on the next phase for BoofVR.

Cheer to you all! <3

Werethrope & Team



It's amazing how alive this experience will be once these are implemented