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Hello everyone!
I apologize but there will be a delay in rewards for this month due to IRL complications and finances. This month has be hugely down for me from a couple of home issues, stress and finances involving my partner and our living situation. This also involves the rise of electricity bills here by double as well, very recently.

I'll be putting up rewards this coming weekend instead (possibly even sometime between today and then). Please allow me a few days to finish off a couple of things, involving BoofVR updates, art rewards, and high res art wallpaper rewards. Again, I sincerely apologize for this sudden issue, I did not expect May to go the way it did. If many deem very unhappy about this, I will look into cancelling the payment roll for next month to make it fair.




I say do what you gotta do and take care of yourself. Life happens. Hope everything ends up alright!


hey man it's alright! shit happens ya know?


Take as much time as you need to ok.


Hay man don’t worry about us you sort what you gotta and get the amazing works you do to us and the world when it’s best for you. Don’t worry about cancelling payment and stuff we wouldn’t be good followers of you if we wanted that. 👍🤗


Waving contributions won't help with the very real issues finances bring. I've bumped my tier up temporarily instead. Best of luck that side, also you & the team are doing great 💙🐾


couple more days isn't going to murder us, don't worry and take your time :)


Hope all is well! Any updates?


Any July update?