YCH options for april 2022 (Patreon)
- assign a character with a numbered pose (or multiple choices in case you're unsure, or dont mind different stuff)
- bodytype and proportions will loosely fit the sketch so be mindful of that
- important: only one comment per person please
- can be OC, fanart, your friend's stuff, things that there is no reference of (if so, describe it in the one comment)
- if you want it, you can comment for your choice to wear bunnysuit for april
- if you want to pick someone's idea, please only post once in total, just copypaste their stuff; do not reply to their posts
- please include some critical details that can be hidden in most shots like scars/tattoos/missing fingers in case i dont know and avoid drawing things wrong
- will pick the first scene i can do with some confidence, i look at the submission via RNG order
- deadline for entry will be 28th of april, any longer i might have already started on something