Thank you, Patrons 🥰 (Patreon)
Oh yes, today is the day: #ThankYouPatrons day!
As much as I'd love to have something cute to give y'all, things have been pretty hectic lately: here's a quick life update! (you can skip it, LOL)
Me & my boyfriend are moving shortly to another house, we're getting our hands around the rent, bills and everything else and it's keeping my mind so noisy & busy. Then, of course, this is the first year of my professional freelancing carreer. I'm dealing with commissions and, indeed, you can't give up on social life nor sleep... Can you?
Anyways, all I want to say is a deep sincere thank you to you, my Patrons and beloved supporters, no matter if you pledge just 1$ per month or what: it's a sign of generosity and genuine, realistic support. And I honestly believe I couldn't make it without you! You are helping me out so much, and I wanted to get back to you somehow... Therefore, I'm announcing a special #ThankYouPatrons SlaveStream for this weekly streaming session!
Tune in later on my streaming channel and, either if you're a 1$, 5$ or 10$ supporter, I'll try doodling something for you. See you there in about 2 hours!