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wow, that first kiss was such a great scene to watch 🤣 I honestly feel like Rory is such a great character to show off more of a shy type of girl in high school. we often see in media a level of confidence when it comes to first crushes or kisses, or just firsts in general, but I feel like the way Rory handles a lot of stuff so far is very accurate on what it can feel like and I adore her! I loved seeing her and Lorelei work through and COMMUNICATE their struggles in this episode, it made all the difference. I really enjoyed this one! 🩶




Ahhhhh yes the infamous introduction of Taylor 🤣🤣🤣 he’s a very intense man and I honestly don’t know if I like him or hate him. It’s very conflicting


Thanks so much for showing the entire show during the live watch it elevates the experience ❤️