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guys.... guys..... WHY. why did that have to happen. the way it hit me while talking through my thoughts at the end is wild, I just couldn't stop crying. I'm actually gutted and angry and sad all at the same time and idk how I'm going to make it through this next episode... that's all I got 😭


Interview with the Vampire 2x7

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Soldier Boy: *homophobic slur* Lestat: Oh~ You: Is he gonna kiss him? As an avid manga reader, that took me out 😂. Also, I feel your pain with Claudia’s death, while you were trying not to cry at the end but still the tears kept falling. Claudia’s been through a lot and when she finally had someone who chose her first, they took her. I can’t wait for your reaction next episode ❤️ Thank you!!!

Ryann Rodkey

LMAO 🤣 I actually thought he might knowing lestat, idk. I feel like he always keeps us guessing and on our toes lol right!? ugh I love Claudia so so much 🩶