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wow oh wow. I think Paris is maybe starting to soften a bit? maybe? I did also think this in a previous episode only to be proven wrong when she was mean to Rory again so we shall see. she was breaking my heart when they were talking about Tristan 😭 also Lorelei being jealous about Luke's ex was SENDING ME 🤣🩶




There’s so many things I wanna say about Paris but I can’t 🤣 I do love that she softened a tiny bit in this episode even though you can tell she was uncomfortable. Also Paris is so so so beautiful, she could get someone so much better than Tristin though admittedly her personality is probably part of her downfall because she’s so intense all the time. She doesn’t know how to function at any other level besides intense so I can see how that could be intimidating for someone 🤣

Ryann Rodkey

totally agree! it was so enjoyable to see her relax even just a small fraction!! I can't wait to see more! 🩶 also yeah, she's so pretty!!