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we simply cannot be doing this. we can't be thinking about this. he needs to be shut down so hard and I fear that that isn't going to happen 😭 the fact that she stood Luke up made me so sad. there was soooo much happening this episode. I was cheering Richard on to being sad at how he spoke to Lorelei afterwards. how all of this was handled in front of Rory was just horrible. the balcony was horrible. I'm basically fearing for my life going forward 🤣



Denise McClymont

Christopher either you love him or you hate him there is no in-between


I have a hate love relationship with this show and I know some can agree. It’s my favorite show ever and have some rlly great memorable sweet and cozy episodes and feels but some of these eps also give me way too much anxiety 😂 it’s worth it in my opinion but it’s quite the journey 😅


This episode is wild in so many different ways. The reality is Christopher will always be in Lorelai’s life because they have a child together and I mean Lorelai said it herself, when he’s gone she’s fine but the moment he returns, it’s just Christopher. They have a long standing history together so it’s not surprising to me that they kind of naturally gravitate back towards each other when they’re together. Lorelai also hasn’t been in any significant relationships since having Rory so she doesn’t know how to navigate potential relationships while also having Christopher in her life so that will probably take time for her to learn.

Ryann Rodkey

I can totally see that! I was having such a fun cute time and then BOOM. destruction 🤣

Ryann Rodkey

Totally!! that's exactly what I was thinking the relationship was like, although I am happy that she does realize and can call him out on the things that he says or does that don't align with her and what she wants in her life! 🩶


Remember that this show has seven seasons. It would be boring if the relationships were all settled in the first season.