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okay- it has officially started going off the rails. there were so many things going on this episode like Rachel, the 'I love you', the split, and the set up! oh my goodness. the fact that they pack these episodes full of so many things has me excited about the rollercoaster that is this show 🤣 I'm so curious to see where we go in the next one 🩶




Oh man I forgot how much happens in this episode 🤣 First off, I love all of Lorelai’s little remarks, she’s so entertaining and makes me laugh every single time. Rachel popping back up is definitely interesting, seems like Luke and Lorelai can never have a moment to actually explore a possible relationship with each other in peace. As for Dean, listen I know they’re 16 and I should be more lenient with him about that entire situation, but this episode really solidified my dislike of him (there were previous things that I also didn’t like). I just really really don’t like how he reacted and it almost feels like he’s trying to guilt trip her into saying it back. I mean it’s the girls first relationship, give her time to think about how she feels. In my opinion, dean has a lot of red flags and his reaction to this is one of them. Great reaction, looking forward to the next ep!

Chiara Stephens

The vomity noises when Chase extended his hand to Lorelai, you are all of us!

Chiara Stephens

You need to look for the outtake from this ep where Lauren said "I love you" instead of "That's what I love about you" while they're sitting on the bench, it's so funny!

Ryann Rodkey

I really agree! he was totally trying to guilt her into just saying it and I'm so happy she stuck to her guns and was like 'no - that's a really important and big thing to say'. ugh, I'm so excited to see what happens next!