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wowza - I had quite a few thoughts regarding Emily in this episode and sadly - no Luke 😭 I loved getting to see the whole Paris/Rory/Tristan dynamic this episode and while I think it could've been worse, I also think maybe there was someway Rory could've let Paris know what was said prior to the date! all in all - looking forward to seeing if Paris and Rory can mend whatever they had going 🤣🩶



Aleesia Rosa

Hey girl, Heyy! Love your reactions, Have you watched The Vampire Diaries? That's another show lots of people enjoy watching reactions to (me included) loll

Ryann Rodkey

hi! thank you so much!! I have not seen The Vampire Diaries but I would totally be interested in watching it and it was on the last poll I did for longer TV shows so I'm sure it'll show up again! 🩶