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I'm so sorry, but I'm getting really worried about Richie. maybe I'm being over dramatic, but I tend to pay attention to him in the scenes he's in and I don't think he's doing well. someone needs to see if he's okay. I also think carmy needs to really work on balance. I'm so happy that he is having fun and all, but he seems to consistently be blowing things off for the restaurant now and everything is literally depending on him so much for this to run smoothly. he's so needed for the actually food and decor part and I feel like he's not as invested at the moment which has me nervous for the future! 🩶




This show is just so remarkable. I'm so so looking forward to the next two episodes, two of the finest episodes of any series ever.

Ryann Rodkey

I love this show! this may be one of the best shows literally ever, it is so great! 🩶