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Alexander Drake

Ashley struggled to open her eyes, before realizing she couldn't rub them open as her arms were tied to the cross she found herself on. The last thing she remembered was she was on her way to a Halloween party at a friend's holiday home, she had ditched her detail, but now her convertible had broken down on the road, so she had gone looking for help, what happened then? "What the heck?" She said. "OH, so your finally awake bitch," came a voice. She looked up to see a blue skinned girl with green hair and electricity coming off her. "Who are you, a d why are you naked? WAIT? Why am I naked?" shouted Ashley, taking in more of her situation. "Shush.....," said Tracer putting a finger over Ashley's lips. "My mistress said that I could have a pet or two of my own, and I found you wandering in the woods. I never took in a stray, but you seemed so helpless, so you'll be my first." "Agh...why are you so sweaty?" Ashley asked, looking over Tracers blue body dripping with......wait, sweat wasn't white!!! Tracer took a vial of a strange liquid that was somehow staying secured between her breasts, poured it into her mouth, then leaned over to get mouth to mouth with her captive. Ashley, taken back by the shock of her first kiss with a girl, bearly realized the liquid the blue girl was passing into her own mouth. It took only a few seconds for the more potent version of the virius to take over Ashley. Tracer used her electric powers to fry the restraints, and the two woman engaged in a tasteful make out session. "How may I serve you mistress?" asked Ashley. "Nothing right now, our master wants me to remain on Watch over the area for now, but if you really want to do something, you can keep my troops entertaining." Tracer turned behind her, as several monsters began entering the church. "It would be my pleasure mistress," said Ashley. "Good girl," said Tracer, sharing one last kiss with her newest pet, then turning to walk out, her ass shaking as she walked. The monsters quickly surrounded Ashley, as she sat with a dumb grin on her face. "OK boys, I've just got one question, you got a y cop uniforms lying around? Oh, and before we get started, new rule. All your names are now......Leon."