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3rd pic is very beautiful!😍


I really like the pictures! But we need more moon light to enjoy her wonderful curves it’s almost too dark 😭


I tried to make this set a bit like an underground scene! That's why I made it a bit darker than usual! :D

Lord Dereth

Ooohhh...I think I'm going to try to manually turn the panties in the first picture into a thong...wish me luck 😅🤞🏻

Alexander Drake

This is the same lingerie from the Claire set a few days ago isn't it? 😆 Here is my headcanon for this, Claire is crashing at Jill's apartment and finds these lingerie photos Jill took of herself down in the tunnels, finding her friend has a kink for feeling powerful walking around in that lingerie. Claire, curious if the undergarment actually does that, puts it on under her clothes and takes a walk down the Alleys, just as the outbreak happens, which leads to her whole torn jeans situation, and then just running through the streets in the lingerie, trying to get back to Jill's apartment. 😁 P.S. I see I didn't leave a comment on the Claire Lingerie set, I'll fo that now, oops 😬