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So, I've recently received a package that I needed for cosplay, but the bunny suit is still not here... Well, I decided to still give it a try and style my hair for now, since I don't know anything about cosplay or photography. I'm also very embarrassed to share photos of myself, since I usually don't take them at all haha, so please don't be too harsh ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

I'm actually embarrassed to the point I might delete it later and I definitely don't want to show it publicly until I'll understand cosplaying and photos better. But still, I'm a bit too timid for cosplay maybe, since I'm not a pro and don't look the prettiest either (I really need to get my nails done, I never did it because of drawing haha)

I also ordered Frieren cosplay to recreate one of my arts or draw her in a bunny suit, but it keeps getting delayed...

Anyway, what do you think? Should I continue trying or drop cosplay for now? ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶

(I'll return to drawing after this haha)




I could never be disappointed. You’re absolutely stunning!


I’d love to see more Cosplay!


You're so beautiful


The socks were a lie wtf


I love your hair. You are seriously beyond beautiful, please continue with the cosplay.

Anime Recommendations

Do what you enjoy, but would love to see more cosplay! If there's anything else you'd like to try, just give it a shot! I'm sure the other people on here wouldn't mind an experiment or two XD


Don't look the prettiest? You're jaw dropping gorgeous. Sometimes there's no need to be modest




You're so pretty !! My lesbian brain stopped working for a sec 😳 I can't wait for whatever you will be doing !




It’s just a push up bra (I own only 2, since I don’t like bras much) and I gained weight haha


Cosplay would be so good for you!


Ma'am, we're looking respectfully! Please keep going :D


First definitely continue cosplaying. Also second. You took your self so nicely! You are in great shape! I think u will do lots of things nicely considering how you know your poses! You got this 8) keep it up girl!

Ifrit Thorson

There is nothing wrong with your appearance so don't be nervous about that. I'd say keep giving cosplay a try and see if you enjoy it, no one here will complain, but if you are really too uncomfortable after a couple attempts there is nothing wrong with going back to pure art. And no need to show so much cleavage if that makes you uncomfortable as well.


god dayum

Tan Sin Chuan

dude ure so pretty dont worry at all


Beautiful!Keep going!


Not pretty??? Girl you are very pretty


I think it looks good, and it’s super cute how you’re cosplaying your own characters. It shows your love for them ♡ So please don’t worry about it?


You are so pretty!!!! You did a wonderful job!😁


That's pretty accurate. I can only imagine how much you are embarassed, but i think it suit you very well (i would like don't be ashamed, but i'm not sure if it will help). Sooo... If you want to do it, just do it. Step by step. If you don't want it... Don't push yourself. I will follow whatever you do, as long as i can :) !


We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled




I think it would be kinda funny if you posted the poses you do for your references as a bonus to the art xD


You look amazing ^_^ looking foward to many more if you're comfortable enough to

Ryhan Imam

I think you should continue to try cosplay, despite the brain worms I you're super pretty!


you're gorgeous! i'm glad you tried it out

Matheus Paceli

definitely keep going amazing cosplay!


Absolutely beautiful both photos and the art


Disappointed? What a nice joke to say XD Don't stop cosplaying, keep going. 'I am not addicted, I can stop anytime' and stuff, you know.


!!!! You are so pretty ❤️


I'm a little distracted


There's nothing to be disappointed about. The courage to take on a challenge is always beautiful. Also, cosplay suits you so well. I think you don't need to be too afraid!!


So so so so BEAUTIFUL!!!

Willass Maximus

You are beautiful! I will say though the actual cosplay community can be a little harsh, I can assure you that your fans will love it!


Damn, never knew qiandai was so hot. I think the public would love your cosplay ngl


Wow! Gorgeous cosplay, you're beautiful!


I dobt know if its something i should pay attention to or not, but you called yourself flat?!


And how could anyone be disappointed? 😁 First: You are you, and no one can be permitted to judge you. Second: You are stunning! We already knew you were an extraordinary illustrator, but as of today we know that you are also an incredibly beautiful woman!! 😊 Unsolicited advice: I have been following you for a while, including on twitter, and I wanted to write you more than once but never did: Do what you feel like doing. Both in drawing and in cosplay. Sfw, lewd, yuri, hetero. Experiment as much as you want, and don't be afraid of cosplays, like drawing, the more you'll do, the more you'll learn. I loved every single one of your drawings, even the ones you didn't like and I have no doubt I will continue to do so!! And as of today I also love your cosplays, so I hope you enjoy doing them so that you'll continue in the future!! Can't wait to see what you'll do in the future!! Have a wonderful day 😄


11/10 nailed your OC cosplay! I hope you find enjoyment from the compliments even if you don't believe them.


You look stunning, definitely rocking the cosplay🥰❤️


Nah you look amazing and look forward to whats coming. Thank you for work!


hoooot~ only thing that's missing is the smug Qian pose


Kawaaaiiiii beautiful 😍 ❤️❤️


You did very well! I think it matches your OC. Give it time and patience, you’ve cleared the first hurdle to cosplay & photography. What matters is you keep trying at your own pace, we’ll be here to support you as you go!


I'll stay calm in what I say but DAMN. honestly the internet world has corrupted me too much to trust people, glad to be sure now. besides being good at drawing you are also beautiful. great GG


You look absolutely amazing. The cosplay is just perfect, and wow, your hair, it’s beautiful. The colour is gorgeous, and the styling is great and perfectly fits the cosplay. As a cosplayer myself, and as a fan, I would love to see more of you cosplaying. At your own pace of course, it can be quite daunting. But, you have an amazing start here.


It's really good and thank you for your paintings all the time


Looking forward to seeing more cosplay, looks like you found the perfect dress for the character


Doki >w<


I say keep going with cosplaying. This looks fantastic and you matched your oc quite well. You are very pretty and I think you should simply do what you feel is best with cosplaying as there is no right or wrong way imo.

Nick G.

Yeah! Don’t be embarrassed you look really pretty! I’d be happy to see more cosplays from you 🙏🏻🥺


Omg you're so pretty 🥺🥹

John Doe

"since I'm not a pro and don't look the prettiest either" What do you mean you don't look the prettiest lol, I don't want to overstep any bounds but you look amazing, be confident of yourself. A very talented artist as well on top.

Chris Chaos

Honestly, this looks good! If you want to pursuit cosplay, do it. Please be more confident in yourself, you look great and others here have the same sentiment so, go for it only if you're comfortable with doing so.


You look amazing, seriously! The dress fits so well and your hair is gorgeous! I can imagine how embarrassed you are, but go at your own pace, no pressure. Do what you want, when you want and when you feel comfortable.


Great work qian! You look beautiful


you're gorgeous!! omg


Omg...the curves...the dress just mold to your curves perfectly, the cosplay is super beautiful! And don't put yourself down, have some confidence in yourself, you are amazing!

Hung nguyen

Wow, you have a great figure and the perfect amount of thiccness 🥰~ huggable sqwuishiness. The 3D is even better than the 2D 🫨. Curvy 😻👌killer❤️‍🔥💘 beauty🫰😻 Cosplay is most about how you feel! Do it because you enjoy it and love the characters! Haters gonna hate but they lacking style. 🙏thank you for blessing us with your beauty and grace.


Never hurts to try new things, best of luck to you on your endeavor.


You are very pretty! Don't overthink the cosplaying too much. As you said you are a beginner in this endeavor and it's only natural to not be good at something that you literally have never done before. Give yourself the chance to start somewhere so you can improve later on. If you want to be perfect from the beginning it will only lead to frustration.


You're gorgeous, and especially so in that dress... where the heck did you get the idea that anyone was disappointed??? Please do more of this, we love it 😍😍😍


Keep on trying cosplay! It's awe-inspiring to see someone enjoying themselves and bringing the characters they adore to life in several ways.


oh my... 👏👏🐶


I think that if you want to do it, you will find the time. Don’t restrain your passions to just one thing if you have more than one passion. i also think “wao cute lewd artist”


Miss Qiandai, I'm humbly request more cosplays. You are lovely <3


Oh my god she's too powerful


Your cosplay looks amazing, I hope you keep doing it


oh damn you werent joking around okay, keep going if youre having fun with it!


you're very pretty! but no need to force yourself to cosplay either :)


Looking incredible!

Akuma Nihmune

Qiandai youre beautiful!!


You're absolutely gorgeous, oh my god 😳

Chris Yao

wtf you are not a guy?!

Cano Mendez

Oh, no! She's hot!


Little late on the party my friend lol...


Dont feel too bad about not showing your face, been noticing a trend on Twitter where cosplayers hide their faces with their phones anyways. Excellent cosplay!


You almost did that "Wanna Help Me Pick a Necklace" meme 😂


Already rocking the look!

Avery Tam

It might be hard and uncomfortable for you to take pictures of yourself, and it may not mean much from a random person on the internet, but I will say you are beautiful and I support you.

Trevyn Tuft

You look beautiful! I think you should keep doing cosplays! But you should stop if it makes you uncomfortable. Just keep being you :)


Art vs the Artist moment. Very pretty.

Omni, Nature’s Smore

You are the cutest! I hope you enjoy cosplaying and keep doing it!


It’s wonderful. Can’t wait for bunny


Omg you're so gorgeous (⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)


definitely should continue trying cosplaying😄!! ngl looking forward to seeing freiren cosplay 🥹!!

no managers

yah you look great dw. no need to show ur face


You look amazing! I'd love to see more cosplay content!


Keep trying to cosplay! I hope you enjoy cosplaying and photography as a new hobby :D


You should continue cosplaying 100% as well drawing art at 100%. That doesn't add up mathematically but don't care, you are awesome at both!

Dart Feld

Well, can't guess at your face but just judging by your body you're pretty sexy. (Dunno why you claimed you were flat- by what standards could THOSE be considered such)


respectfully: uhh awooooga


holy shit my artist is so goated and beautiful 😭❤️


You're gorgeous just as your OC. I am sure you feel embarrassed since it is your first time so don't force yourself. Do what makes you comfortable and don't mind negative comments. We support you.


Art mimics life and you, dear, are a beautiful canvas.


Ma'am, you're as beautiful as the art you make

