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I finally got the two bunny suits I wanted! Which one do you like more? (excuse my hair and stockings, I was too tired to wear anything and forgot how stockings work haha) ( ´ ▽ ` )

I'm still waiting for my Frieren hair, but I think I might make a set of many poses with Rindai cosplay in a bunny suit and sort of like an art vs artist challenge, so I can post for the Diamond Star tier!

Do you have any other ideas for a character I can cosplay? I was thinking, since I'll get Frieren soon, to make something with her in different clothing and then draw it!




Omg that's such a cute outfit, it fits u really well!🥺🫶


they're both amazing for your first attempts!!


The stockings are awesome! Can't wait for more :)


I think the white one is super cute on you!

Akuma Nihmune

Qiandai, I can't say enough how immaculate you are with the two cosplays, they're perfect!!


You look so cute! So glad to see you cosplay!


You look so cute I love the pic of you in the white bunny suit


SO COOL !! I think the second one is very cute but the more classic one looks so good on you as well 🫶


Outfit is amazing!!! You look great! Could try a 2b style hair with Frierens hair, tho you’d have to trim it. You could do the classic freiren trapped in the mimic, but that might be a bit lewd for irl😅💀

Omni, Nature’s Smore

You look so good!! Maybe a front shot of black bunny but I like those stockings better! A challenge would be great to see. Are the other test tiers new?


I like them both but if I had to pick it’s The white one, I love the sleeves and the Qiandai color bow.


The black bunny suit is my favorite!

Dart Feld

Now those are child bearing hips 👌


Ah, yes, I created them temporarily at first, but I think I might just let them settle haha


I think the white one works well for Qiandai! :3


The white one works better especially with the earrings and necklace


I think the White one looks better, but with the different angle of both of them it’s hard to tell definitely


Both look really good! I personally can't choose so I'll let others give their opinions. Black and white seem to always work really well for bunny suits. Have you thought about cosplaying your other OC's. Would be interesting to see how much you could realize them in the real world. Like what you find to be the key aspects of them and how much you can take away for them to still be them.

Chung Wai Chun

Black looks great~ Though I prefer normal glossy stockings than fishnet, but it does have its own charms to it. If we are going with Frieren, I think its not impossible to include Fern into da mix~ :D


Ah, I actually did buy stockings, but they were too small and had like... a hole in the middle? I thought it's too lewd for me haha, but I like the idea for art


Cosplaying others is trickier, because I don't fit the body type and their hair is very very specific, but I would consider!

Chung Wai Chun

Hahah, yea I supposed that is abit too ecchi~ XD Could consider Stockings with Garterbelt too for variety~ Looking forward to your art!!


I really like the white one (but both look good) ! (Btw, I think your OC is really cute, I think we need more of it)


I want to do cosplays, since it seems fun, so I will let them stay! It’s a good idea for a separate tier if people don’t want to see cosplays and only art, which I understand


You look amazing in both of them, I'm so jealous😭 I really like the white one more if you're just going to do one of them tho. For cosplay I think you would do an amazing Black Swan from HSR🙏 Always love to see you expanding your horizons Qiandai, you definitely push yourself to do more the most out of all the artists I know❤️


Madam, please... these pics already look amazing 🥵 I think You'll just need to work on taking more photos and everything will be great. As for cosplay ideas - I think Black Swan and Kafka from HSR will be super cool to see

Hung nguyen

The black one is a classic but I feel like the white one fits your gorgeous skin more. I think black tights would work better than the fishnets with the black bunny suit (and your bakery)


Personally I prefer the white one but that might also be the angle it's taken from. Regardless, you look amazing in both of them! Also that drawing is too cute!


Pretty art and prettier artist!



Matheus Paceli

Both are Really good but i think they white one fita you better


I’d love to see you cosplay more of your OC outfits. Also either shenhe or ganyu from genshin would be nice. Or rapi from nikke.


I think both look great, but I think I prefer the white one because of the angle + being able to see more of the outfit. Maybe Black Swan or Nicole (ZZZ) would be some good cosplay options just taking your build into mind

Mahir Ullah

Gorgeous! I think the white one suits you more, but I love both.


Dats craaaaaaaaaaaazy. You are too adorable~

炒飯 珍珠

Both are good. But white bunny is so god damn good


I prefered the white one, but it might be a matter of pose, since it's a cute one!


Also, never, ever, let anyone tell you are not pretty. You are. Saying that because every girl who post themselves on the internet seem... to attract the most mean folks.


I think the white one is more fitting for Rindai.


the white one 😳


you have my lesbian heart in a strangle hold 😭