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Due to severe computer malfunction,  
my computer parts are broken,
and lost so many requirements for drawing ,  
and I'm not able to draw arts right now....!  

I should have started right now accroding to my schedule,  
since reasons I mentioned above, It will be delayed.  
I sincerly apologize for your inconvience.  

I'm not sure how it will take to fix, it will be around 4 days or maybe until next week. ...


Thanks to all of you patreons,  
I was able to change the parts which was broken quicky.   
I really appricate it.


Mike SonOfDragon

Everything is ok. I hope your able to fix your computer. Take this aswell as time to recharge.


Hope your doing fine we'll be patiently waiting and you can relax.

djstar 323

No worries dude. Please make sure everything is ok, we'll be waiting patiently. Please dont stress yourself about it


I can wait, thank you so much for what you've made.

Mika (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-13 14:36:03 no worries at all, take all the time you need!
2023-11-13 12:05:49 no worries at all, take all the time you need!

no worries at all, take all the time you need!


Do not worry. I think this is a good opportunity to give your body a good rest. All in all, I will continue to support your art. The monster girl you drew is really beautiful.