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That is because all the weight you lose goes directly to the disenchanters.
It's more like "Fat Transference". Since you can't just live like this,
so they transmute all those fat into mana and make them into mana potions.
Yet, they're expensive since exchange rate is not that good compared to the time spent.




Mike SonOfDragon

This idea is honestly fun. As a fan and player ttrpgs soecially dnd this could be a fun mechanic Soecifically for the down time moments.

Crumby Cat-astrophe

Reminds me of Eat the Dungeon by Bewildered Angel


Cute concept!


Such a great picture of a cutie looking very bored of his situation. Let’s hope another immobile blob of an adventure gets carted in looking for a fat transfer before he is shrunken back to a normal weight.