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I corrected (again 🙂) my 10 years celebration pictures, because there was few error on this.
Excuse me for this new update, but I found two errors again.

Public version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65821132

HD versions for 1$+ rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65821239

Full HD versions for 5$+ rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65821240

4K versions for 10$+ rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65821241

10K versions for 15$+ rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65821328




Someone’s boobs weren’t big enough? 😅


Their boobs size has changed in the first few years, but in the last few years they has fix boobs size. There is no problem with her boobs. 😉 There was other little annoying errors.


i wonder how it would turn out with the skirt attached to the thong for each of them in this picture


It would be good, but I don't plan to make skirt for metal bikini's nowaday. Maybe later I will make for hers.


i am wondering if all of these ladies including araconda will wear dresses again

Elm X3 delgado

Hey kondas, just wondering. When will Marilyn come back from her "vacation"?


This is a good question. Unfortunatelly I haven't good answer. She has an old character rig. I must to renew her rig. This is few days work. She need a new environment. I hope there will be a little free time in summer and I can make her.