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In July the girls are comig back! We will see new pictures of Jyn and Arcadonna with the motorcycles and we will see few beauty pictures of Ahsoka, Ahsoka and Ahsoka!
Meanwhile I am ready with the new character. I am ready with her outfit. I must to make only the rig of her outfits, it is about one day. I will make for her a new environment in July and August. I need more time for the good quality. I hope I can publish her in September.




There can never be enough Ahsoka, so you're good


Noice ^-^

Colin Campbell

Kondas you say you done another babe? Well, this is just a guess! With you liking Star Wars Babes so much.. I can only think of one not done sofar. Padme... that be super cool if it is that babe? 8 )


An OD of Ahsoka sounds good!!


cant wait to see what you are working on 👍


I have few more important girls on my list from Star Wars. I am sorry I don't thinking on Padme nowadays.

Colin Campbell

Fair enough, just keep her as maybe a possible lot later as she is popular and with the way you do the sexy girls it be very nice. thanks 8 )


Finally we are in July and amazing girls are waiting for us as always! And already hype about the new character!


"Ahsoka, Ahsoka and Ahsoka!" You know, it seems to me that there is no better name for me than this one)) I am glad that July will be so eventful and hot!


can we get this pic?