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Many cultures and faiths throughout history had many interpretations and ideas regarding  what the afterlife was like. A place of eternal bliss and peace for the virtuous after a lifetime of  struggling, and a land of darkness, suffering, and pain for the wicked, punished for their sins in  life. Depictions of Hell showed a place of fire and brimstone, desolate wastelands filled with  unearthly monsters and horrors beyond counting. Nightmares come to life as every act of  unimaginable torment was performed upon the grievous sinners by the fiends of hell, monsters  of unimaginable cruelty and malice, laughing and feasting upon the torment of their eternal  prisoners. Images of terror unending lived in the minds of mortals as they pictured in their faith  and philosophy what this place of eternal torment had to be like. The truth was… complicated. People certainly did not expect the hells to be conformed of modern-looking cities, where vice  was rampant and free in every single conceivable way. The ludicrous nature of its inhabitants  contrasted by the fact they were demons and sinners condemned to hell clashed so much with  the depictions of the underworld that one would almost think it was deliberate. Perhaps due to the actions of one fallen angel who decided to run his kingdom as an  amusement park or a circus for the fun of it, his own little way of rebellion. Pentagram City was where most sinners spent their unlife as tenants of Hell, the unlucky ones were dregs who slipped through the cracks and lived in misery and poverty, while those with  the cunning, the drive, the will, and the power rose through the ranks to become lords.  Perhaps it was unfair, that those who were evil in life could become more powerful in death.  But the universe did not run in fairness. Though one establishment prided itself in standing up for something virtuous in Hell, as  impossible as that sounded. As the ever-present fear of angelic extermination loomed, culling  Hell’s overpopulation in brutal massacres, one demon decided to do something different. To  look into the souls of the damned and find light, find something worth in them that’d be worth  saving. Rehabilitate them, make them suitable to ascend to Heaven. The person at the head of such endeavor was no other than Charlie Morningstar, daughter of  Lucifer Morningstar, the Fallen One himself, and Lilith the First Woman, First of Sinners. Ironic, that the daughter of ‘evil’ beings would believe in such things like redemption for the  lost.

A story for halloween who may become a full comics later.

Tassedar begin his hard work.

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