What's Next? (Patreon)
Howdy, Sugar Cubes!
Can you believe we’re down to just one scene left in Pink Sugar: Bedlam/Book 2? I’m thrilled! But don’t worry, I’ve still got four more books lined up for you, so you’re stuck with me for a while! 😊
August and September are shaping up to be incredibly busy. I’ve got Tacoma Stickerfest, two birthdays of loved ones, a visit from my brother (the first time since I moved—so excited!), Rose City Comic Con, and Animedford all coming up! With the final installment of Pink Sugar Act 2/Bedlam approaching, I want to take my time with the art and savor these special moments in my life. So, updates might be a bit slower than usual. I’m sure none of you will mind too much, but I wanted to be transparent since I always strive to stick to my routine schedule.
Expect maybe one new page per week while I juggle social events and conventions. Sketch requests and Patreon mail will continue as usual, so no worries there!
Thank you so much for your understanding and for enjoying my gay and goofy story. I can’t wait to share the plans for Act 3 with you!