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I finally did my first M4M audio, and I hope you enjoy it! It's also high time that our dragon, Greddryr, gets a taste of his human partner. I had a lot of fun improvising this one, and hopefully you all enjoy it. I know it's been a big tease for a while.




Getting an M4M from you is very nice


This was awesome! Absolutely loved it! You did absolutely awesome for your first M4M!


Hey if you’re not comfortable with doing those, then don’t. You’re enjoyment is just as important as ours. If you’re worried about upsetting anyone, just keep doing M4A. It’s still includes your male listeners so they won’t feel left out. Just do what you are comfortable with. But if you’re just worried performance wise, you did a lovely job.


If there's a higher demand for M4M stuff, I think I'd do it more too though