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Love that time travel exists in this, haha.


Son Goku

im confused, you keep saying its not filler but its as filler as it gets lol, you may have mixed up your episode list? 131-143 is classified as filler, i recommend skipping fillers in the future so you get to the really good arcs quicker, i mean you dont have to skip them, some of them are good fillers


Maybe it is then lol, haven't looked at the lists for a minute and assumed the next fillers would be farther out haha

Son Goku

you should use animefillerlist its a very nice layout and easy and does not spoil the titles if you dont look down the page where it shows the titles lol

Ray M Estrada

Fun fact: I believe this is the last episode of the 4kidz dub


Btw, episode 144 is the last episode that 4kids did. They skipped all the fillers, so it was about 116 episodes of 4kids dub. 4kids never dubbed the next cannon arc.