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Me: I must focus and work on Lady Softsteps' origins!

Also me: I have another idea for a Softsteps adventure!

lol yeah. this thing have been in my head for a while. Imagine Softsteps being captured by a mad scientist then tickled and transforming into a harpy mutant lady with giant ticklish feet!

I just wanted to share this since there are some people here that probably will like the idea. who knows, maybe I can develop more of this if I see people is interested :p

But tell me what do you think?


tickling her feet with lasers so the chemical injected in her can be stimulated thru her DNA
the lasers turn off, she can breath... for now
the chemicalis reacting, her feet feel weird, just like if they were moving themselves
her feet are huge now! it worked, this is just the beginning of her transformation...
little concept art of her Harpy form. not a final design


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