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I truly do appreciate you taking the time to comment on my latest post regarding less traffic and members. I can only do my best to find time to more popular characters. Sometimes I'm able to alter commissions but often it's just too much work and I simply can't . Will it bring in more members if I for example drew more Star Wars? Who knows, there simply is no way of telling what brings in the crowds... I do have several pieces going now, but they are commissions and I have to alter them a bit before i post them... If I didn't have patreon I wouldn't bother altering them and just simply create for those customers, nor would I do all those different alt versions...


Los Vaqueros Press

I missed the initial discussion, but I'd like to give you my two cents as someone who's followed you for a while. I appreciate the extra varieties, but if they cut into your work flow, I can live with less or even none. Let the variety come from the panapoly of girls you're drawing instead of nine version of the same basic image, in my opinion. Thanks for hearing me out!


Yeah if female alts were removed completely I wouldn't really miss them personally.

Josh El Loco

maybe we give you ideas for characters and you pick from them? idk im spitballing but you got this!