ComfyTD 0.0.8 - New Features 🛠[tiny update: 0.0.7 was missing new callbacks script] (Patreon)
2023-10-21 22:37:05
Hey ! I've added some improvements for functionality and easier setup... see new features below ! A demo project file featuring 4 demo ComfyTD setups is available in a separate post. For feedback, feel free to DM me on Discord or post in our server - find the invite link in the 'About' parameter page of the operator.
- Lyell
- Alt + Hover Pop Ups - If you see something new/strange, use Alt + mouse hover over the parameter to check popup help. Every parameter (except dynamic API pars) now has popup help explaining what it does
- API Par convert methods in 'Comfy' parameter page, allowing to convert an API Par to a TOP reference (input image) and folder menu (for models or loras, etc) and to relabel pars as well.
- Now by default, the operator keeps track of generations/settings in a Jobtable... more info in 'Display' parameter page (output folder is still available, but slower/worse in many ways)
- Jobtable can be saved / loaded from disk
- Load back generation settings from Jobtable (across different workflows / API configs)
- Improved callbacks + added onConnection and onDisconnection callbacks.
- Added 'Comfy' parameter page with non parameter selection config / launch stuff...still thinking about the best way to organize the pars
- Other minor fixes and optimizations (several seconds per generation faster to load outputs)...check the popups or the demo project for more explanation!