August Exclusives & Update (Patreon)
Hey family!
Life Update
In July I played shows in San Francisco and Dallas, and I’ve discovered some new sound design techniques that inspired a lot of new music! I’m currently writing this message on a plane on my way to Australia, excited for this tour!
1 Hour w/ INFEKT Stream
The mixing + Q&A stream this month will be on Friday, the 26th of August at 12pm EDT (6pm CEST). Come hang out in the chatttt!
The exclusives for this month are “YOI” and “EXTRACT”. YOI is a track I started after tweeting one morning that I wanted to make the sickest “yoi” bass, and then rolling with the result because I liked it so much. With Extract I wanted to make something really low, deep, and gritty, without compromising energy. I haven’t played this one out yet, but I can imagine on the right sound system it will do some damage!
Thank you so, so much for the support. I appreciate all of you!
Much love,
Christian / INFEKT
EDIT: August is over, so the download link for the exclusive tracks has been removed. If you paid for your membership in August and you didn't download the tracks in time, or if you just want to purchase them separately, send me a message here on Patreon.