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Dva helps you start off your day the right way!  Here is the 3rd person version, tomorrow there will be a POV release for those that prefer POV! 

Animation by Tiaz and sound by laarel check them both out and show your support!    

[Oculus - Vive - GearVR] H2.65v Compact ] 

[High Resolution - Oculus - Vive - GearVR]

[Low Resolution - PS4VR - Smartphone] 




My friend and I got into an argument about how blowjob sounds are recorded. Can you shed any light on that process by chance?


A lot of sounds aren't what you think they are in all sorts of the movie world. For example the Velociraptors In Jurassic park sounds where a combination of horse breathing, goose noises and tortoise mating (one of the main sounds used YEP!). I would say a lot of sounds used are ones that are artificially created in a sound room as taking sound from real situations the audio is terrible because its not in a recording room. So most will be recorded like that, sometimes its a lot of tomato squishing it can be really random to actually create the needed sound as the real way doesn't sound real on film.


Thanks for clearing that up! I think I lost the argument but at least I learned something new.


Well i learnt the tortoise mating sound effects behind the scenes today too XD.