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After the battle with the Orc Lord Geld, Rimuru has a council meeting with the other inhabitants of the Jura Forest to discuss what happens next




I can't wait for you guys to get farther and farther into this anime! I honestly almost wish you would binge drop reactions of it just so we can see how hype you guys will get. It continually out OPs itself. It does a great job of progressing to deeper and darker storylines but keeping that endorphin rush of happiness from also being wholesome af. To answer your question about whether his rule about no harming humans is out of self-preservation or because he has a loyalty to his past life: yes. 😅 He definitely knows how monstrous humans can be when we feel threatened, and he also is on some level probably hasn't let go of Earth. He was aware during his entire reincarnation, so I always imagined that it mostly just felt like waking up to him. Albeit waking up after passing out blind drunk in an entirely foreign country without even the clothes on his back or a means to communicate. But still, it always felt to me like he hasn't really completely processed that he is in fact not the same yet.


Took you some time Guys. I've started to worry XD


Fun little fact about Rimuru naming the orcs : he didn't try to find actual names, he gave them a name based on their clan, their gender and a number. For example, Mountain M1 for the first male orc he named from the Mountain clan. Geld is actually the only orc he gave a proper name to.


I don't know from what you said if you think the self-preservation reason is the same as the strategic reason that becomes more obvious later, but in any case I think that it's initially the loyalty that outweighs other reasons but the other reasons gradually take precedence.