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  • Worked on alley

  • Worked on drone AI

  • Added penalty notifications

  • Upgraded to Unreal 5.4

  • Fixed trash can / step on bug

  • Added climax comments

  • Added penalty comments

  • Added shopping carts

  • Improved graphics

  • Added object grab / push away

  • Bug fixes

Download (Windows)



Lucario Gamer

There's only the alley as an available map, right? Because I really would like to be able to do more things in the game.

Lucario Gamer

whether NPCs or the entire city


An entire city would be too complex for the project that’s why I narrowed it down to the alley. But if you tell me what you are looking for to do I can add it there as well

Lucario Gamer

Well, according to the videos I saw on Twitter, there was a city, shops and NPCs and you could interact with them.


Yes in the previous / initial version. But it got out of hand so I rewrote the whole game. There will be NPCs and shops but it will take place in an alley since it’s a way more manageable scale for a project that’s only developed by a single guy:)

Lucario Gamer

I understand, well, thank you for clarifying everything and sorry if it bothered you.


Would you be down for adding tenting/erections? Or bulge growing like how you added it in the primal game and the alpha 23 of the other MA version?


Yes, the shape keys and stuff are already in there I just haven’t implemented the mechanics yet but it will be in :)


Awesome! Can't wait and also will there be an orgasm meter like how there's one in ghe original for some teasing and denial action?