Holy Clan Matriarch [lowres] (Patreon)
“Throughout the Ombrelune, Grès, Antrelys and Rivesac sultanates, every warren , every roost, every village and every burrow is led by a Holy Clan Matriarch, or Clanmother, usually covered in dhubans as their harems are stupidly huge. They are all Alzaayirin haruspices - once a new Clanmother is chosen, she will sacrifice the previous one, inheriting her within herself. Those wise Matriarchs constitute an unbroken line of women whose lineage predates the Caliphate itself. Their interest resides in their respective Clans first, and Maison second.
They are judge, jury and executioner in any Clan dispute, are the only ones representing them in state gatherings, lead their local Cult, preside over tajdils (weddings) and burials (be it by sky or soil), and if anyone is still a virgin at 25, they’ll take care of it.”
Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal