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“Mahraqa al-Ma'arif wa Lata'if al-'Awarif, or Mahraqa al-Ma'arif for short, is the Book of the Pyre and the Subtleties of Elevated Things. It’s the Crown Jewel of my collection, and I know better than anyone to never open the fucking thing. I…stole it from a (quite large) assembly of Jinns. Possibly the absolute worst mistake of my life. But I digress. 

You might wonder how I managed to run away with something that large, but the book weighs nothing. You can just grab it and put it into the air and it's just gonna stay exactly where you put it. 

This tome has more knowledge in it than the entire Library, from what little I was able to prod. And there are, obviously, things not meant for ysleria eyes. Ever. I would never try to destroy it since, one, it cost me too much, two, destroying books is antithesis to what I am, and three, I doubt I’d even be able to in the first place, so I just keep it close and safe, for now.”

  • Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal



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