Maison Ombrelune, Castes [lowres] (Patreon)
“The Sultanates of the Maisons Ombrelune and Rivesac are societies built upon segregated castes - with a few exceptions, you’re not supposed to mingle with people whose station is lower than yours.”
Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal
Murjjids are the Priestesses and murshids of the Lunar Cult, under the sacred guidance of Alizé and are all women. Clanmothers are considered Murjjid despite being sahirs.
Njaqis are the (absurdly rich) nobles. They include Binding Clans, for example.
Amils are landowners, merchants.
Sahirs of all schools - Al’zaayirin haruspexes, Lahm builders, Sayhata wayfarers, Khiata weavers and Al’zilal druids, excluding the Ra’d sahirs, and all united in worship of The Library.
Ruhjj’aans are artists, prostitutes and warriors.
Haadis are the most basic citizens who live in the Warrens that dot the Maison’s Sultanate. Workers of all professions, servants, simple crafters, and of course, Ra’d sahirs.
Huthals are untouchables who live in the under-warrens. Overly poor waste removers, kiln workers, Lahm sacrifices and meat shields. To be born Huthal is to be moon-cursed at birth with no chance of climbing the social ladder, unless you’d like to be a Ra’d sahir, that is.