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Could this book help lift Willow's curse trapping her within the walls of her house? Maybe, if Robyn could stop thinking about other fun uses she'd use this book for.

Finally back from my little vacation visiting friends... I miss it already but the drive to draw more has returned! I'll talk about it more on a normal illustration update though so I don't have to repeat myself a couple times. I need to decide what to do next though... I did recently make a list of characters I'd love to draw fan art for though. I could pull something from that! :3c




The page looks real nice, Shio -- and the bit of character work with that last expression is too good. XD


love the robin focus!


Thanks :D I debated having this page being Robyn imagining Shiori bound but then figured it'd probably make more sense that Robyn would be the bound one since I picture her more of a sub than Shiori. ...Even though my stand alone images probably don't convey that much >v> I think that's just my thing of liking to see the more dominate one tied coming out. >v>;;;


I love seeing Shiori tied as well. Tho I’m a sucker for an Elf. Personally I’m one of the few that would rather see your OCs more. Tho huge fan of all your works.


There'll be plenty of bound Shiori and Robyn in this comic again :3c might just take a while to get there though >v> I got a few pages before that I gotta do.. I hope they will be nice and spicy :3c