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Yo! I have a lot of changes planned for November, so I'll get straight to the point!



From now on I will focus solely on long animations! (10+ minutes) But expect the occasional short animation (1+ minutes). This means I will no longer accept commissions, at least for now, as a consequence tier 4 will undergo some changes.

In November, I will be reworking all tiers, including tier 1 (for those who still have it). Here are some examples of these changes:

  • Tier 1 will have the same benefits as tier 2

  • Extra versions (e.g., futa version, prolapse, etc.) will only be available starting from tier 2 onwards and will not be made public.

  • Tier 4 will have access to releases 1 week in advance.

Along with this, I will also rework the graphics of the tiers.



After the release of CC2 all tiers will be on sale for 1 week!

To be updated on this topic, I communicate it in advance on Discord.



Last month you voted, and I will do what you have chosen! The next animation will be GA, divided into two parts, where the first part will be with the Aatxe, while the second part will be female + futa.

At least for GA1, it will be fully dubbed, also for GA1 there will be a prolapse version. I don't know yet if I will do a futa version.

For GA1 I plan to rework the bulge physics, so that it is less pronounced on the outside, and looks more like a real bulge.

Finally, the GA1 and GA2 will be mainly from behind, however I do not exclude that there could be a de****roat.



The release will be between October 22nd and October 25th. I don't have all the materials in hand yet, but I hope to have them by this date.


Thanks everyone for the support! 💗💗💗
