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Hi, all.

I had a shitty and rather unproductive October. After the good progress I made in September, this month's been the exact opposite. First my second graphics card started overheating. So it thermal throttles and works at less than 2/3 of its speed. And the bigger problem is that when it works the fans start wailing at 100% speed, as if my rig is about to take off, which is mighty annoying. I spent some time trying to fix it, but so far no luck. Then I got sick for more than 10 days, even thought I had gotten COVID again. But the rapid tests were negative, so it was something else.

In any case, the images for the game are ready. A few more will likely pop out when I start testing, as usual, but the serious work is done. We're working on the final script with Amanda, I have to do some postwork, and then package and test it all. I'd say a week or so and it's ready.

Stay tuned, and thanks for the support.




Glad to hear it's all coming together. Sorry to hear you've been having a bad month. Hope youre feeling better.


Glad to hear it's all coming together. Sorry to hear you've been having a bad month. Hope youre feeling better.+1


Thank you :)


Glad to hear it's all coming together. Sorry to hear you've been having a bad month. Hope youre feeling better.+2


Glad to hear it's all coming together. Sorry to hear you've been having a bad month. Hope youre feeling better.


Wtf ? Same message from everybody ?:))


The master wants you to join us Robert. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. Join us...Join us ....Join us ... 😁

Maka Sdaka

Dear Stoper, with all respect, stop this just talking bla bla bla and do your work right, when i say right i mean keep your promises and work harder, take your time, no, but just work actively, because one update a year is no good, i say this with all due respect but i cant not say this. You talked about the last animation, whats so special about it that you cant finish it for 3 months already? Are we in for a big update? Because for the whole year it should be voluminous.


I think you are too hard on Stoper. He is honest and doing his best … he is doing it for pleasure and not for the money …


I have not been making one animation for the last months. That animation I mentioned in one of the previous posts was supposed to be the last, but I added one more. And there were images in between. But I do accept your criticism. One update per year is extremely bad. I hope I can improve the situation, but for the moment the development speed is this.


stoperArt do it in your pace man … it is clear for me that this game is a hobby for you … and your story and art are amazing … therefore please finish this game in the time frame you choose but do not drop it

Maka Sdaka

Oh, come on, of course, first of all, it's fun, but he gets money for it, and he does it right! I and anyone else would do the same! Because it's right! But in this case, it is imperative to take into account the timing, since paid work implies responsibility. I don’t know how big the update will be, but if the creator didn’t have time this year, then it was possible to release at least one update with a beta version. This is my humble opinion.

Maka Sdaka

Dear Stoper! Thank you for your prompt feedback, I hope I didn’t offend you with my statement, I’m just used to always being frank. Can you roughly tell how big the update will be? For example, how many days in the life of Jess? If it is not a secret)


There's no point in asking, as always it will just be a single day update and stoper also never gives any concrete render or animation count which further makes it all confusing. So you are in the right to make assumptions about what has been done and what hasn't since all the dev blogs are pretty much useless.

Maka Sdaka

Well, just one new day will only mean that the developer has done almost nothing all year. If it was only about pleasure, then there would be no problems and discussions. But in this case, it turns out that people have a whole year although there is no content yet. The last update was not small and very hot. I believe that the update we are expecting should not only be no less than the previous one, but much more. This is if in fairness and timing, if the developer really worked all this year, and not the last few months in a hurry. If you do something for yourself, then do as you please, but if you get money for it, then consider the deadlines and be responsible to the subscribers, I think so. I'm not trying to somehow offend the developer, I speak with all due respect and I'm not strict with him, I think that I'm fair because you can't neglect promises like that. But, I still hope that the update will be big, since his last scene was already divided into 4 branches. This is unlikely to have developed in one simple day. It's just that I'm only worried about one thought - if the developer worked for a year, then he could upload beta versions and thereby feed his patrons with content and not just words and promises. But there were no beta versions...)


Are the update getting out in 2022 or are you going for january/february 2023? One year between updates?


It will not be February, don't worry. All the graphics for the game are ready, postwork too, we're finishing the script with Amanda.

Maka Sdaka

Hm, and how many more days or weeks do you need to script with Amanda?)


why would he respond? the update isn’t coming this year and stopper is just taking the piss:) i would like to pay more but for what? … cmon


stoper ,i really wonder if i can get an updated version within the next few days?

Marius Sandulescu

The update will be ready in 2024 bullshits only we have to wait ages man for your fucking updates are u taking the money from us only and we look like a stupids cunts for you are we a joke for you so please move your ass fast and post that update today or tomorrow


When it's ready it will be released for the higher tiers first. There's a little extra waiting for the $1 patrons.


If you feel so disappointed let me know and I'll refund you your pledge.

ivano rossi

do you think you will be able to release it next week? good work

Maka Sdaka

Dear Stoper, on october 29th you wrote about a week of so, a week or so has already passed, what is wrong again? What is your problem and how long to wait? I ask questions but you are silent, avoiding answers, you just say that soon soon soon soon... When is it soon? When? It seems to me that you are just lazy and spend very little time working on the project, all your empty promises and year-long wait point to this, no offense, Im just being direct. How can you promise an update for August and delay it until November? More than 2 months! How is that possible? by the way, due to the delay on your part, you could give access to everyone at once, without dividing who pays more and who pays less. It would be fair considering that you already let everyone down by breaking so many promisses. Sorry, but the truth is often hard. I hope that after that you will work as before, responsibly and in normal time frame. Please do not write more beautifully far-fetched excuses, all these are lyrics bla bla bla...


Should I answer your inquiries, or not? I'm getting confused here. Anyway. Like I told the guy above, if you want, let me know and I'll refund you your pledge, so you can support someone else who's not lazy.


Sorry to hear about the issues you've been having with the equipment. Hope you can get it sorted. Also sorry to hear about the health issues. I got COVID just over a week ago and I'm only now just coming over the worst of it, so I know how debilitating it can be. Take care of yourself and work at a manageable pace. I said it last time but I trust the next update will come out only when it's ready. Good luck to you and Amanda!

Maka Sdaka

Oh, dont make me laudh))) Its not about money, its about principle! Can you realy answer just 1 question? WHEN WILL THE FUCKING UPDATE BE COMING OUT? WHAT REAL DAY??? And for the future, work responsibly or be honest and do not take money from people all year for empty words and false promises. Or I advise everyone who pays more than 1dollar to switch to a paypayment of 1dollar. dont waste your money whole year for nothing! be strict and principled! Otherwise, he will still release one update a year and pull money from you every month for nothing. And then he earns money by making fools of us with nonsense about equipment, covid and other far-fetched excuses. These are all lies of a person who takes advantage of your gullibility. Just think, the delay might be, the might be a problem, force majeure. but!!! damn it, NOT A WHOLE YEAR! Its all nonsense, bulshit! He,s just using you!

Maka Sdaka

Just will see how many days of life Jess will be in the update! Just will see...)

Maka Sdaka

I realy understand the developer if the update will be realy big (minimum 5 days) and hottest! Though I highly doubt, otherwise there would be a beta versions. In my humble and logical opinion, he did nothing for most of the year.


I've said before that the update is of a similar size to the previous updates. Why on earth would I have 4 days of content ready and not release them already?

Karel Lopata

Can you just fuck off Maka Sdaka? You can't read, you don't understand basic sentences. You said nothing constructive, no good critisim, just bitching like some virgin incel moron. Piss off already.

Maka Sdaka

Karel Lopata, no one talked to you, dont be a plug in every hole, its free advise.


@Maka Sdaka, and you expect Stoper to really reply to your violent outbursts above?


This long waiting is just part of the journey. We are all here to SUPPORT Stoper, we are not hiring him. So be patient, please!

Maka Sdaka

Stoper, now I ask you just one simple question: when will the update come out, on what day? And so you do not give exact answers to any question, at least answer to this question? WHEN EXACTLY? WHAT DAY?


He said that 100 times already - because he don't plan the scenes in the detailed before start working on them. And that is why he missed almost every deadline which puts himself. He don't want to misleading us and doesn't want to set deadlines. It is very simple. Day or two, or three - what is the matter? Do you need a special preparations to play the update?

Maka Sdaka

I admire people like you. Your conclusions are completely illogical. He's been making fools out of people for a whole year now. A whole damn year! You read carefully his excuses, this is a beautifully thought out lie. This man did nothing for most of the year and just deceived people, giving them hope in vain. I am amazed at those who still understand and protect him! Are you really that naive? Or do you need his game so much that you are afraid to tell him the truth? Wake up friends, show that you can not be deceived and make the one you pay to be responsible and keep their promises! There is no problem in a delay of several days or weeks. But he's been fooling people with pretty lies for a year now. I am a very principled person and cannot be silent. Truth is truth. And I don't like it when people make fools. He promises and delivers nothing. If this means nothing to someone, then I have nothing to say to these people. I do not understand those who pay a whole year for 10 dollars, for example. They end up paying 1200 bucks for one or two new days??? Just think and don't be fooled. Be fair and principled. The developer does not really answer my questions because he has nothing to say. And it is not necessary. Let him just correct himself if he does not want to lose his income. Or if he is so honest, then let him return the money to everyone for those months that he did nothing, promised and deceived. But he won't...)

Maka Sdaka

Sorry friends for downloading you, but I had to say it all. I just want justice, it's time for the developer to understand this and treat all his patrons with respect. And it’s not enough to work on a project, promise many times and not fulfill, take money every month for nothing, this is just disrespect for people.


It seems that you don't understand what is happening here! First of all somebody (in this case is Stoper) create a product (game). We all in this community like his work and support him to continue it. Your behavior is like you are the person, who have an idea for this game and you're hiring Stoper to make it! And you use some words that are not in the right place! I am not a fool, you are a fool, because you become a fool, when you feel foolish! I know very well that interest diminishes as time progresses. So I understand Stoper and I put myself in his place - it's not difficult! The thing are easy, when you know what to expect. Calm down and enjoy your journey. If you not enjoying, then your place is not here.

Maka Sdaka

you either do not understand what you are saying or you yourself are the Stoper, your words are too similar to his beautiful chatter) enjoy the trip? what kind of journey is it if you stop in one place for a whole year? think for yoursef)


We are not in the same place! We are some days before the update. The tension is rising, the excitement, you show some nervousness...

Maka Sdaka

Are you kiddind me? What kind of nervousness? Everyone is already furious from the fact that he endlessly promises and lies.

Maka Sdaka

why is he lying and using everyone? because he fools everyone and people keep sending him money. He didn't really do anything for the whole year, but he received $2,000 for this empty year. Do you like it? This is good? Well, okay, send him more money. It just turns out interesting, he didn’t do a damn thing for the whole year and got money, and there are people who protect him, this is real fucked up))) And he thinks, why work on time? If the money is still coming, why rush?) He just need to fuck beautifully, blah blah blah ...


I'm not furious, so it is not everyone. If you don't like it or feeling fool, then you know what to do, right? It's a matter of choice and it's yours, not Stopers to blame him.

Maka Sdaka

Jozef, funny))) terpils like you will wait and be silent for years)

lin hong

It seems that everyone is angry, the reason is not how slow the update speed is but this guy's deception time and time again.老东西坏的很


I said it several times already, if you feel deceived just ask me and I'll refund you your pledge. If you really feel that bad supporting me, then why the hell are you doing it?


Because you obviously like questions - does your grunting help? Are you feeling happier or update comes faster....does it help?


I won't make any allegations like others because they've already gotten out of hand, but the reason why anyone would still support you should be rather obvious, people adore Jessica and her adventures, and even if the development has gone beyond a boiling point, they still can't get enough of her. You as the creator should be the first to understand this.

Maka Sdaka

No offense, you are already fed up with your money back. Instead of stopping lying, you repeat this nonsense. The promised week has long passed - where is the update? Script with Amanda not finished? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM???

Maka Sdaka

Redarto, yeah, as long as there are people like you, he will continue to disregard subscribers.


I don't think you even understood what i was talking about maka, just chill down and read it again. If you think that i am supporting stopers inconsistent development time then your doubly wrong.

Maka Sdaka

Redarto, its just that you have a boner on Jess, as i do, but that doesnt mean that we have to tolerate lies and disrespect.


Yeah no one has to tolerate any of that but where did i say that i was ok with it? If stoper had a bad month and didn't work much then the first thing he should do is pause his patreon pledges because he did not work that period of time. Just look at how Mr.Jet acts by pausing his pledges when he is in a slump and can't work much, that way he not only saves his patrons money but also shows how much he respects them.

Maka Sdaka

Redarto, I agree with you, it would be necessary that Stoper also thought about this and began to correct himself. You say he had an unproductive month. But the month is understandable. And he dindnt work on the project for most of year! You can understand the month, but cant understand the fucking year! This is disrespevtful to people. After such a long delay from his idleness, he continues to delay the update. And he cannot explain it in any way, because there is nothing more to ivent. Let him answer what is the delay now? Script with Amanda?))) He said that everything is ready. Well, where is it? Irresponsible Stoper just lied again and again. He just busy doing something else. And why should he be in a hurry? The money is comming, and his conscience does not prevent him from taking it from deceived people, especially those who have a boner on Jessica stronger than a sense of justice and integrity. And this is very sad.

Maka Sdaka

StoperArt, ask everyone, WHEN WILL THE UPDATE COME OUT?


Jesus Christ, man! The update will come out when it's ready. You can ask me a thousand times and the answer will still be the same.

Maka Sdaka

Hm, you said its ready))) I have already asked several times, what is the reason for the delay now? What is not ready there?


Stoper relax man. You should enjoy the fact that your patrons do not have patience anymore … this means the game is so good


You're telling him to relax when he has trolls screaming incoherent demands at him? Y'all are lucky he doesn't have an itchy ban finger


The newest cave troll in the pack does have a point. There is grotesque disrespect here, but it's not coming from Stoper. It's coming from the cheap seats


I'm fairly certain you aren't a top donor champ. In fact, I'd wager you pay just enough that you can come on here and scream like a banshee


It's funky to see how rabid some people get when they really, really wanna masturbate Haha. Sorry you gotta deal with these guys on a regular basis, Stoper.


Yes let's ignore the fact that it's because of a 9 month development time going onto 10. If you have been here long enough then the whole patreon is pretty much dead with no one asking or criticizing anything so it's safe to say that stoper doesn't have to answer for his delays till it gets ridiculous like it is now.


I've been lurking for the better part of 2 years. I know the development cycle. It sucks because I'm right there with you on wanting more content, but freaking out and attacking the guy for it ain't the move, chief. Just relax, live life, jerk off to something else, and come back to enjoy the content whenever it's out. If it doesnt come out, you'll still survive........ That said if Parker isnt in this update, I'm gonna riot


That laid back attitude is your point of view towards a pretty nonsensical dev cycle, but that doesn't mean others will react in the same way as you. I haven't even expressed much criticism of stoper since I know it's pointless at this point, since if all the suggestions and stuff people have given him over the last few updates haven't made anything better, then nothing would either, which is why I reduced my pledge to express my dissatisfaction. So yeah if there's some people or more like one guy going off the rails then there's a reason for it and pretty understandable.

Maka Sdaka

PixelFlynt, ehh, sorry for you, onanist) He mocks people and people like you support him. As long as there are dupes like you, he will contimue to show unrespect.

Maka Sdaka

Guh, what does Parker have to do with it?))) and masturbation has nothing to do with it either. I explained so many times and you again write complete nonsense) It's a matter of principle and justice. If he didn’t take money from people for his work, then let him release an update at least once every 5 years. But he takes the money. And after so many delays and deceptions, some continue to defend him. And therefore, he will not be corrected while there are such naive, unprincipled people. On the 29th, he wrote about a week and that everything was ready, but this is again a lie. I asked yesterday about the update, and he said that it will be released as soon as it is ready. Do you even understand what that means? Despite the fact that, according to him, the content is already ready, he essentially does not know when he can release an update. Lie after lie!

Maka Sdaka

I don't understand why some people tolerate this? That's disrespectful to yourself! Even if someone is rich and doesn't care about money. Self-respect comes first. He was talking about a refund here, but that's ridiculous. He is ready to return the pennies, but he will not return the income that he received for all the months of downtime and deceit. And he will continue to take money from the naive people who protect him.

Maka Sdaka

Redarto, if the person who derails is me, then I repeat once again, I am too principled, I respect myself and people and demand the same behavior. Someone here hinted that I don't pay much... What should I be responsible for more? For lies and empty promises? Understand friends, I am not angry with anyone who defends Stoper or condemns me. I'm just amazed by these people. And it's not about masturbation. It's funny that someone thinks not about high moral values, but self-satisfaction)))

Maka Sdaka

I asked several times what is the delay now? But Stopper is silent... because he doesn't know what else to come up with and how to lie. He also wrote to us that everything is ready, there are scripts with Amanda left. And now he himself does not know when the update will be released (this despite the fact that everything was ready)))). Now think, when he wrote that the update would be in August, he lied, he knew that there would be no update. He also knew that there would be no update in September and October... he just fed you with empty promises, because sweet lies are better than silence) And some are ready to continue to eat his lies, okay, enjoy your meal)


Maka Sdaka, you are wasting your energy and time on npcs who will forever be on the defensive side of everything rather than use logic and demand what they deserve (those are also the people that will not demand a raise from their boss when they grow up and have a job) that comment about principle and justice is just something that these creatures CANNOT understand because they are programmed to only exist and not think for themselves. I completely respect your efforts of trying to explain to them what is the consequences of defending someone who is doing something wrong, but unfortunately they will never understand. Anyways just stop wasting your energy on them, they ain't worth it. As for the update, I said it last month and I'll say it again now, if the update doesn't come within the next 7 days, then it wont come this month at all, because that's the typical stoper treatment.


So I've said everything is ready except the script, so what do you suggest, that I release it without the text? Just images and sounds? Don't you think it would wise to have the script ready as well before I release the update?

Maka Sdaka

You just screwed up. You a whole year doing the devil knows what. You talked about script with Amanda, not all scripts. Promised an update in a week. And again one lie. Hmm you're just an irresponsible talker. You're just brainwashing people. And at the moment, you don’t even know when everything will be ready. I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happens this month. You have shown yourself to be a lazy-working liar.

Maka Sdaka

Ohh, the hypocrite here is just you) What does mentally handicapped. Since I have already clearly outlined my position in this discussion more than once.


Dude. Just leave. You're making a fool of yourself and it's embarrassing. You have three or four supporters that are probably sock accounts. So stop yelling your impotent rage into the mirror and leave before you have a stroke.


Alright, I had a little setback with the script, but it's solved now. I'm confident we'll make it for this weekend. As usual the release will go through the various tiers, going down the ladder every two days. And I'll send the link with a message to the tiers from August, so if you were a patron back then you'll also get a message for whatever tier you were at that time. And no, Maka Sdaka, I can't give you an exact hour of release.

Maka Sdaka

The only laughingstock here is you) A little masturbator who is ready to wait for years with a dick in his hand and faithfully endure the developer's swindle)

Maka Sdaka

This weekend?) Ehh, how many times have you said that already... Will see)


Get back on your meds kid. When you grow up you might have enough self esteem to see how much of an embarrassing little troll you have been these last couple days. I'll be blocking you in a few minutes, so better get that rant written fast

Maka Sdaka

PixelFlynt, block me?) who are you kid?) I have nothing to block, I do not offend anyone, unlike you. I express fair and constructive criticism and fair demands on a person who breaks promises and does not respect his subscribers. And you're spitting with anger, it's not clear why. I feel sorry for you...


Stop it! I'm tired of getting notifications about your outbursts. Everyone got your message. This entire post if full of your comments. You can stop now, or I'll have to ban you.

Maka Sdaka

PixelFlynt, And by the way, I didn't talk to you. No one talked to you or asked your opinion. So mind your own business, don't be a gag.


Given your account was created in October 2022 you're obviously the sock of someone, gee no idea who, who is afraid to behave like this on their main account, so you'll see my replies anyway


Relax guys … nobody dies if update is not released at a certain moment. Who is angry please do not support the creator. The other who are supporting are grown ups and assume their decision… so stop putting pressure on Stoper … let the creator do his art work

Maka Sdaka

Ok, deal. What was past and lets leave it in the past. I sincerely hope that Stoper heard us and in the future we will have only positive emotions and discussions.


Do you see Pixel how you should act to get results ? :))

Maka Sdaka

Robert, trust me, pixel nothing to do whith it, he means nothing to me, i did not offend anyone and did not break the rules, you cant ban a person just because you dont like something about him, and you try not to incite or push someone against each other, for this, by the way, it would be banned) and i said just enough and cleary, there is no point in repeating anything, and i hope there will be no more, good luck to you!


Good news Stoper … I will pay the most expensive tier to get it faster … as respect for your work that will be great I’m sure … there will be any content with the intern guy ?


LOL The best part of this entire theater is Robert talking to himself 🤣🤣🤣


Not this update. Tommy will be back in the next one, that covers the in-game Monday.

Maka Sdaka

by the way, I think Tommy`s line is the most exciting and hot of all.

ivano rossi

In questo dovrebbe esserci Rosa ed Heather... nel prossimo torneo anche Blake.. credo

ivano rossi

Buon lavoro... grande...

Maka Sdaka

the lesbian theme is shit, i`m tired of it already... everything is very good and correct that Jessica is not being fucked all at once, everything should be gradual... but it`s time to fuck her for a long time, especially since she has already sucked a dick)

Res Ipsa

The lesbian theme is AWESOME and should be continued and expanded.



ivano rossi

yes absolutely agree, the lesbian theme must continue and expand it more and more, it is .... I hope it continues beautiful ...

Maka Sdaka

Then it would be appropriate to make a separate lesbian branch. Since the most important thing is for Jessica to be fucked by other men!

Maka Sdaka

yeled, yes, you are right, thank you very much! As for some of the `existing` ones, you described everything very cleary, excellent! and yes, it`s time to calm down and i calmed down. He promised by the end of this week, so i think this time he will not deceive. Looking forward to the weekend)


The Mayor scene is my favourite so far.


Yep. Variety is the spice of life. "Maka" doesn't get it, but you do.


有更新吗? Any updates?

Maka Sdaka

Stoper, we don`t have long to wait? Or is there something else to be done unexexpectedly? expect an update in the next few days?

lin hong



I'm nearly done with my part of the writing. While Amanda's finishing the work on the script I'll build the RenPy structure, variables, choices, etc... We'll have to test it tomorrow and do some edits. Depending on how many of these are needed, it will be out either tomorrow evening or on Monday.

Maka Sdaka

Thank you very much for the detail information Stoper! Great news!


Lovely to hear that it won't be long now. With the weather getting ever colder and winter just round the corner, it's just the right time for a little beach break!


Agreed! Really loved the relationships she's had with the girls. Question is, will Rosa join in on the fun this update?! Here's hoping she will as we do need a bit of MILF action to spice things up hehe!


So will the update be today on sunday? What's the status?


I think it's all more likely tomorrow night, it depends on how long it takes to assemble the package


We're editing the script with Amanda at the moment. But I want to test the update properly and make sure it plays well. So release tomorrow evening (CET).


Great. Amanda has an instagram account somehow ? Could you share it please ?


I am looking forward to the update thank you :)


Hi, everyone. I'll have to postpone the release with one more day. It's evening here and we're still working, the package will be ready before we go to bed, but I want to play it a few times and makes sure everything is good.


I truly hope that tomorrow it's not scheduled for later in the day and then delayed again, but in the afternoon, otherwise there's no hope that it releases even tomorrow.

Maka Sdaka

Redarto, oh, i hope to... tomorrow it may turn out that the update has an error and needs to be redone...or something else...let`s hope that this time everything will be fine.


truly? lol


Too bad it doesn't come today. Whether a day more or less falls now also no longer on the main thing it comes tomorrow :)


Or next day, possible problem, next week or next months


inb4 8pm CET comes and stoper says there's a bug in the game and it wont be released today as well... would be a MASSIVE surprise wouldn't it?


Added a few images this morning. Now I'm in the middle of putting everything in RenPy. Then a little testing and final adjustments and it's out. In the late afternoon, or early evening.

ivano rossi

Great ...ok good job


It's released for $25 patrons. Your tier will get in next Monday (21st).

Maka Sdaka

Stoper, is that all? It`s all? Is that all you`ve done in a whole year??? are you serious? one day? this is real fucked up! just one day? I wonder if some one will protect him again now? i`m shoked... do you realy take people for suckers?

Maka Sdaka

you said that there will be a big scene with 4 branches, please tell us where is it? is this for a whole year? all? see you in 2024? oh God, i`m just shoked!

Maka Sdaka

He did 85mb for a whole year! Someone wants to judge me now? am I wrong?

Maka Sdaka

by the way, I already have the game, I`m not just saying whatever.

Maka Sdaka

Where is the scene with 4 branches???

Maka Sdaka

Oh God, i`m in shoked!

Maka Sdaka

Hmm, it turns out that our dear developer got 25k dollars just for these 85mb... does anyone still think that everything is fine? do you like it?...

Maka Sdaka

Stopper, I love your project, I love Jessica, but you can't do it, don't get me wrong! We've all been waiting for a major update all this year and got pitiful tears... Think and imagine the disappointment of so many people... If your project is loved and adored, it doesn't mean that you can do it. People pay money. You either don't take the money, or close the project once and for all, because we don't know when we'll see the end of the game, the series are filmed faster... or work in normal terms, at least 2 major updates a year...

Maka Sdaka

please, get me right.


Favorite game so far but man what a disappointment this update was, not saying it was bad, not at all it was great, but what the fuck, ONE YEAR to release 1 hour worth of content.


i ended it with 20 min... i wish there was 1 hour honestly, even tho 1 hour is still not enough for 9 months of fucking wait.. stoperart took milking to a whole different level lol. there's 1 thing he is insanely good at and thats milking his patreons. Good job stoper :) you've succeeded in disappointing everyone including those that stood up for u and defended u while u had massive delays, original release was supposed to be august, which is 6 months after feb and in the end u released it middle on November which is 9 months, so basically x1,5 delay, well played to you stoper


I think I was perfectly clear that the update will be the same size as the previous updates.


oh so that makes it all okay, sorry my bad lol


You decide what's ok to do with your own money, not me. I'm just saying that I never claimed the long development is due to having more content in the update.


very hot scene with Mr Parker. But saldy no pussy pounding for Mr Parker hoping he get it next update


Will there ever be a big update?


The game is in my opinion the best there is and I wish for much more of it I hope that in the near future comes in very big update :)

Maka Sdaka

Stoper, are you kidding me? What are you wearing at all? This is fucking NOTHING, and enough to poke money already, if you are so honest, then give all of what you milked from people for a senseless wait. God, what a disappointment, you've been hastily sculpting this update for the past few months, and all year doing god knows what ... A whole year of waiting! A WHOLE YEAR! Since the update in February is not considered an update at all ... And at the end of a year, this ... I don’t even know what else to call it ... I was convinced that I was absolutely right about your `work`.


I want to get back at the faster release pace, but I don't know about big updates. What's the point of having a big update? Like, if I have the content of 1 in-game day ready, why not release it for people to play?

Maka Sdaka

Oh, Stopper, please, cut this shit. No one is against one game day in the update, and can not be against, but only if the update would come out in the normal time frame. And for the whole year, one game day is a swindle! One hot game day at least in 3-4 months would be great and no one would complain, I think. Buddy, you have a great game, quality content, and you would be generally super if you worked in normal terms!


So if every 2 months or so 1 or 2 days comes as an update that would be enough for me or something like that

Maka Sdaka

dear Azrael, that would be great, but i still think that 2 month is not enough for high-quality and well-thought-out content, and Stoper has gorgeous graphics, this cannot be taken away from him. 2 month is not enough, i think so.


This was meant as an example I can also wait 4 months or so


The troll accounts are never going to be happy. That's why they're trolls. Imo smaller updates at a faster pace might save you some grief

Maka Sdaka

There is a funny and strange type of people who if a fly gets into the soup every day in the same restaurant, they will take it out again and again and still leave a tip.


There's an obviously facetious and hypocritical type of people who do the exact same thing only so they can complain and criticize other people's honest patronage.

Maka Sdaka

dear PixelFlynt, patronage no one criticizes or condemns, it is not clear why this comment of yours was written... it is simply not clear how some people can not only calmly treat injustice, but also encourage it... a wife has sex with her husband once in 2-3 months, and the husband will not only endure this but also protect his wife. Well, right, what`s the difference once in 2-3 days or once in 2-3 month, yes?) there is sex, and it doesn`t matter how often. The main thing is that the wife is comfortable, gives her husband once every 2-3 months and enough for him, the main thing is that the salary is always on time and on schedule. Why fuck with your husband more often if he still works, gets money and does not complain?)

Maka Sdaka

dear Stoper, by the way, one moment, is it possible to remove the dark frame on the dialogues and inscriptions? Can just leave only text? The dimming at the bottom of the screen covers part of the frame, most often Jessica's beautiful legs, and this dimming is generally very annoying.


Go to the "game" folder and open the file "screens.rpy" with a text editor. Find this line of code "background Image("gui/textbox.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0)", delete it and save the file.

Wendy Knightshade

I wish you the best Stopper, I enjoy your game... but I cant keep putting money into this for a release every 9 months, the last came out in February and now almost to the week 9 months later. I do wish you luck, and like I said I really do enjoy your work I need to cut back costs and I am afraid this is one of them. Best of luck and wishes, hope you continue on.


I understand, Wendy. Best wishes, and thanks for supporting my work till now.