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They are going to turn into sweAt dreams very soon!

Drawing Himitsu in her cartoon version I tend to forget how cute she is in her more realistic form. Here is also a reminder for you!

And this is the time lapse video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9pkfj7mew86f8d2v1pbse/himitsu-sweetdreams.mp4?rlkey=w1n0rjfiem3ub7r3cz9p27c3t&dl=0



Devin Dickie

Love this one..... that's one way to wake up!

Sandchan Casali

Ma sembra l'amica bibliotecaria di Charlie o sbaglio? 😂😂


è proprio lei! prima di diventare un personaggio della striscia di Charlie appariva ogni tanto insieme a Crys