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You might call it the second half of the Christmas chapter.

Weird as it feels, we're already 3 chapters deep into the intermission, which is usually around 10 chapters long, and I originally intended to have this one be a little bit shorter than the previous ones, but it's looking like I won't be able to manage that, just by dint of how much is going to need to get covered and how many promises from here alone that I'm going to need to pay off. I don't think it can be helped.

And then there's the briefing to think about. The American Singularity is going to be such a kick in the teeth for so many of the characters, and it's going to start before the Singularity even begins properly.

For now, though, a bit of a transitional chapter. Some fluff, but not nearly entirely fluff.

Also the omake by Gifted Monster.

EDIT: Moving down all the way. 10/5/2024



A very nice chapter; thank you.

Noah Andrulis

The shirt made me snort. Good job


I forgot about it completely! The FF16 PC demo came out a few days ago, and I've been distracted with the news that there's finally a release date on the horizon.


Rika's best Christmas ever.