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Our first fight scene in quite a while! How exciting!

Well, it probably doesn't live up to the Lung fight, but not every fight scene in this story can be that spanning or epic. Too, the power levels in that fight were OVER 9000! (Sorrynotsorry) This fight was more about tactics, cleverness, and trying to work around an ability that is frankly incredibly difficult to overcome.

There are several reasons why this arc is called "Collateral." 4.3 showed us one of the major reasons (hint: Medhall), but the main reason is still to come.

Also: a more scientifically accurate representation of what would happen if everything, including light, were to be frozen in time (or at least slowed to a degree that it's functionally the same). Rather like a black hole, actually.



Couldn't a single extra clone in the room with her (after she had Bakuda) have solved her problems? I don't understand why she didn't make more use of her power. She still had lots clones she could summon, wouldn't summoning a bunch more to deal with Oni Lee be the automatic thing to do?


No, for several reasons. Firstly, Taylor spent a lot of that fight on the back foot, without a solid moment to really, seriously think strategy. This isn't memetic Taylor or late game canon Taylor, either, who can adapt extremely well, this is early Taylor, who hasn't picked up a head for thinking on her feet in combat. Secondly, Oni Lee is ludicrously hard to get a hold of. Pulling out tons more clones wouldn't have done much of anything, because he's rarely in one place for longer than it takes to teleport again. Without knowing that his power is line-of-sight based (and that's not common knowledge at all), the only way to pin him is to force him to be in a spot of your choosing long enough to land a solid hit. Remember, too, that the fight only lasted a few minutes. Too, Oni Lee was a surprise, so she had no reason to suspect that she'd need an extra clone hanging around once she had Bakuda pinned.