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All in one night, folks! Just call me Santa Claus!

Ahem. Anyway, reconciliation! Kinda. Patching up trust that badly shaken is hard, even when you're vindicated. Doubt is a powerful thing.

Also, Aife! ...Who anyone who's seen my illustration of her already knows! And Artoria, who...is a canon Servant. Yeah. A couple of new faces among the crowd of Taylor's on-screen Installs. Although, having said so, they didn't get to do much, did they? That's too bad.

Next weekend will be Interlude 4.a, which I...don't have a name for, yet.

Have you figured out the real reason why this arc is called "Collateral," yet?


Benjamin Lawton

I'm surprised that Taylor used Aife to cast the geis, instead of her sister Scathach. After all, the whole reason Scathach became the queen of Dun Scaith instead of Aife, was because of her greater skill at magecraft.


The Throne exists outside time and space. In one parallel world Scathach is dead because Solomon incinerated human history. He nuked the land of shadow too, marking the end of the world. That's the reason she "died" and entered the throne. So Scathach should be available to Taylor.

Aria Raney

You know, as smart a move the gies might have been in a vacuum, I can't help but feel that there's going to be some serious repercussions for permanently mastering a defeated villain in full view of the protectorate.


Oh, definitely - even if Bakuda blabs and brings misfortune on herself, proving that Taylor's binding doesn't necessarily stop someone from doing what she forbids, the fact that it does something at all will probably be used against her, later.