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So, as most of you have no doubt noticed, there's been a delay with 4.a and 4.b. 4.a got delayed by some frustrating personal bits that needed to be handled last Friday, and I meant to finish it Saturday evening, with my apologies for being late.

Then, the fiasco in the thread happened. I'm sure any of you who still watches the thread has seen it, and whether you agree with any of the points raised there or not, I'm sure you can equally understand how frustrating it's been.

That has utterly sapped my drive to write for the past week. I haven't even wanted to look at Essence. When you combine that with the general busyness of the holidays...

So. 4.a has been delayed, and so has 4.b. 

In order to get back on track and give myself some time to get my head on straight for arc 5, I'll be taking a two week break from the thread. During that time, I intend to finish 4.a, 4.b, and Pendulum 0.3. You guys will get them as soon as I finish them.

Thank you for your understanding.


Peter Christensen-Calvin

Dude it's Christmas. Take a break; enjoy yourself. Your story is good enough it's worth the wait.


No worries here. If I ever decide I don't like your story anymore, I'll just quietly excuse myself. At worst I'll say, 'hey, this seems weird to me, but it's your story so do as you please'. It'll almost be as if you were dealing with an adult capable of acting rationally. Almost.